The client side is in this case used as a placeholder for logic which is not executed directly as part of the server.
The server side is in this case the context under which the logic is provided.
Creates/Opens a new Connection.

The Connection is the main communication layer which is used by the client to communicate with the server.
The Connection is the main communication layer which is used by the client to communicate with the server.

This can either be a direct connection which just shares objects or a remote connection over HTTP. It is just a basic layer which allows to send Objects and RPI.
The MasterConnection is the main connection which is established and allows to use the functionality provided by the server side Application and Session LCO.

It is limited to using the functionality provided by the Applicationand Session LCOs.

It uses the established Connection.
The SubConnection is similar to the MasterConnection but provides additional functionality because it links to a specified LCO.

It is limited to using the functionality provided by the Application, Session and the specified SubSession LCO.

It uses the established MasterConnection.
The Application is a Life Cycle Object which provides functionality on the application level.

It is created the first time a MasterConnection is established and is shared between all MasterConnections. Given that it is shared, it does not have an expiration date.
The Session is a Life Cycle Object which provides specific functionality on the session level.

It is created whenever a MasterConnection is established and is discarded when the MasterConnection is disconnected or dropped. Each MasterConnection has its own Session and cannot access the state of another session.
The SubSession is a Life Cycle Object which provides specific functionality on the sub-session level.

It is created whenever a SubConnection is established and is discarded when the SubConnection is disconnected or dropped. The SubConnection can specify which LCO it would like to use.
Server / LCOs