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VisionX with Docker support

The next VisionX release will support Docker. If you are not familiar with Docker, it's worth a try. It offers super fast deployment and app delivery without additional hardware or software installation. If you're interested in Docker simply use Google.

The whole Docker technology is a big plus for application developers and also for our low-code platform VisionX. We will support Docker deployment with our next release.

Every application, created with VisionX, requires a Java application server like Tomcat and a relational database like Postgresql in order to run. If you don't own such runtime environment, it might be tricky to roll out your application! Sure, there are very cheap hosting provider which offers root server and application hosting, but this requires lots of IT skills. With docker, deployment is getting easier for you.

With next VisionX, it will be possible to create a pre-defined docker container in seconds. Use this container to create your own docker image and use Docker to run your application.

We'll show you some impressions how this will work:

Docker support

And it will also be possible to use existing Docker Hosting Provider to run your application.
We tried it out with

Our docker container uses our own Tomcat definition, which can be found here. Feel free to use our tomcat image in your environment. It solves some common configuration problems like custom port definition, username, password.

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