JVx 2.8.5 is out and we have some Source Code statistics for you!
Our last statistics were determined for JVx 2.2. The source code grew by 50.012 lines, since 2.2. We now have 178.896 (JVx library, Swing UI, tests) compared to 128.884 in JVx 2.2. Still awesome if we compare the features of JVx with any other application framework!
Here are the actual numbers for you:
JVx library |
Swing UI |
LoC |
Type |
107.951 |
Code |
86.032 |
Comments (~ 44% of Code) |
28.282 |
Empty lines |
222.265 |
Total |
LoC |
Type |
41.544 |
Code |
22.321 |
Comments (~ 35% of Code) |
9.249 |
Empty lines |
73.114 |
Total |
JVx library (Test cases) |
LoC |
Type |
29.401 |
Code |
14.620 |
Comments (~ 33% of Code) |
9.649 |
Empty lines |
53.670 |
Total |
Some additional numbers:
Files and Tests |
JVx library source files |
825 |
Swing UI source files |
148 |
Test source files |
151 |
Total |
1124 |
Still a small codebase and still very easy to maintain. Here are more numbers, about testing: |
Unit tests (no UI, without manual perf. tests)
| |
1000 |
Class coverage (without UI)
| |
73% |
Method coverage (without UI)
| |
62% |
Our coverage is not as good as with 2.2 but still not bad. |
TOP 10 classes
Classname |
LoC |
DBAccess |
5.775 |
MemDataBook |
4.712 |
JVxTable |
2.704 |
ArrayUtil |
2.613 |
DBStorage |
2.237 |
StringUtil |
2.230 |
Server |
2.058 |
SimpleJavaSource |
1.583 |
PostgreSQLDBAccess |
1.495 |
DateUtil |
1.468 |
This are interesting numbers because in JVx 2.2, MemDataBook was on 1st place. We now have more code for database support than before. The newcomers are SimpleJavaSource and PostgreSQLDBAccess.
We tried to reduce complexity of DBAccess and MemDataBook, but complex things are complex. This is why we develop JVx. It makes complex things, simple.
The development phase of JVx 3.0 has started. We'll change some things which are important to know:
JVx 3.0 won't be Java 6 compatible. We'll switch to Java 8 and... still super backwards compatible.
We'll also change some package names like javax.rad. But we don't have a complete list right now.
So keep reading.
We're happy to announce that JVx 2.8.5 is available. It's a bigger bugfix release and comes with many powerful new features.
What's new?
- Loading MetaData performance tuning
It's now possible to register custom admin services and to disable general admin services. We also introduced a public zone.
- E-Mail support
Simply send an email with pre-configured server settings.
- Dynamic cell editors
Set the dynamic cell editor on one cell and use different cell editors in the same cell, based on a type configuration.
- Simple Map implementation
OpenStreetMap and Google
- Accessible/Not Accessible per environment
- putObject support for DataRow
- Better logging API configuration
- Many more...
The full changelog is available here.
Start with JVx
The current EA version of VisionX 5.6.4050 contains some bugfixes and improvements.
It comes with latest Postgresql JDBC driver which will work without changes with EDB.
... oh... and deployment for Tomcat 10 and all other Jakarta based application servers is on board.
As usual - available in the download area for our customers 
Have fun!