We've released JVx 2.0.2 last friday and you should know that it's available
It's a smaller update with bugfixes and some improvements. One new feature is the support for an additional row in the databook. We use this row for searching records.
Other interesting features, from the changelog, are
- added listener to IConnection for notifications about property changes
- DBAccess isModified introduced
- register value changed of single column
- register key event listener for certain key
- DataBookBuilder introduced
- ICloseable introduced
- Set ORDER BY as property of DBStorage
- CommonUtil.close introduced
Have fun
We didn't have support for Buttons with popup menus in JVx because standard Swing doesn't support this feature out-of-the box. But such a component would be very useful for some UIs.
We didn't change our UI definition but we started with support in Swing. Our JVxButton now has support for showing a popup menu. It could be like this one:
We've added some buttons to VisionX, because it reduces the amount of buttons
VisionX with new buttons
It's easy to use the new feature in your Swing application and also in your JVx application (for Swing UIs):
UIPopupMenu pmDocumentation = new UIPopupMenu();
//because we add the resource
There are some things to know:
- Set the translation because the resource is added and the UIPopupMenu doesn't have a parent.
- Call addNotify to enable translation (same problem because of missing parent)
- You should check if the resource of the button is an instance of JVxButton to be UI technology independent
If you work with above code, you'll have all JVx features like simple event handling or translation.
With the next VisionX release we'll include the Solution Store. It's exactly what it sounds like and even better.
The Solution Store is a place for Applications, AddOns, Modules and other pluggable components for VisionX. The Store will be hosted in our infrastructure and it will be a Store in the cloud. But it will be possible to run your own store in your own infrastructure. The "cloud store" will be public and has special offers for users which owns a valid VisionX license. We'll use the store to share demo applications and other free stuff. It'll be easier for you to install our demo applications because you'll know where they will be.
The Solution Store is seamless integrated in VisionX and is super easy to use.
A first impression:
VisionX Solution Store
The store itself is a JVx application (backend and frontend) but it's not Open Source.
The big advantage is flexibility for you and your suppliers. Your suppliers will be able to add specific versions of an application without changing your VisionX installation. If you have different AddOns or test applications, simply add it to the store and don't loose anything. If you delete an application, no problem it's still in your own Store.
The Store integration will be available with one of our next nightly builds for a small group of customers.
Since VisionX 2.0 we have a feature that checks "application healthieness". This feature is not important for end-users but could be important for developers. If a developer manually changes source code of an application, it's possible that the application has compile problems after next VisionX update. This could happen if an API was changed or a library was missing. If an application couldn't be updated or has other unexpected errors, you'll get following in VisionX
Application check
If you click on the black sign, you'll see all problems. You can export the list and after all problems were fixed, the application sign will be removed. It's not possible to start an application with such a sign because you could destroy parts or the whole application. It's a quality improvement for VisionX and you.
We've added a new feature to our model. It's an additional search row. The row is invisible per default, but you can show the row if you need/want it. With this additional row visible, your tables automatically will show a search row like this:
New search row
We use the search row with background color green, in our applications. The feature will be available with next nightly build and it's already available in our repository.
It will be possible to en-/disable the search row with VisionX via Customizer:
En-/Disable search
This new feature is a must-have for all Oracle Forms users because this is a replacement for Enter-Query Mode.
If you have a lot of work-screens in your application, it's not so easy to find the right screen because VisionX didn't offer search functionality in its open-screen wizard. With upcoming releases, VisionX will have such search functionality:
Screen search
The search fields will be visible if you have more than 5 screens!
Another problem with screens is that you can't search for fields or don't see automatically hidden fields, like ID columns. We have another nice search feature for you:
It will be possible to show hidden fields and also the used column name of your database table. The column names are not visible by default, but will be after you've pressed More...
I'm very happy to announce that VisionX 2.0 is available. It's available as Trial version or Online via Cloud Login.
Use our registration form and request a trial license or request a Cloud Login.
If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message via Twitter (@sibvisions), leave a comment or send us an email.
With the next nightly build, you'll find a new cell editor in JVx. It's a technology independent implementation and it's more or less a mix between choice cell editor and linked cell editor.
A choice cell editor shows images for defined values, e.g Checkboxes instead of Y, N. You can bind a choice cell editor to one column.
A linked cell editor is more or less a combobox that shows a table with one or more columns. You can bind a linked cell editor to one column and it can set multiple columns on value selection.
The new enum cell editor has the advantages of both editors. It shows a list of values instead of the real value, e.g. Yes, No instead of Y, N. You can bind an enum cell editor to one column and it sets exactly one column.
A short example:
UIEnumCellEditor ced
= new UIEnumCellEditor
setAllowedValues(new String[] {"Y",
setDisplayValues(new String[] {"Yes",
VisionX 2.0 is ready!
We're happy to announce that VisionX 2.0 will be available in the next days. Our last tests were successful and everything is green
The new VisionX is so amazing. It bundles all our open source frameworks in one tool and shows how application development should be - Fast and simple.
You've never created a multi platform application as fast as with VisionX.
VisionX 2.0 is more than just another RAD tool. It bridges the gap between end users and developers. If you're not a software developer, use VisionX like Excel and if you are a software developer, just use VisionX for all the boring stuff like UI design, Documentation, Help creation, Database design, Project setup, ...
Don't waste valuable time - simply use VisionX.
What's new in VisionX 2.0?
We have an uncountable number of new features, but some are
- Your applications will run in modern browsers - with Html5
- Excel reporting
- XML reporting
- Import your reports (offline data capturing)
- Use your application on mobile devices
- Use your application as Liferay portlets
- Live Preview of your applications as Liferay portlets
- Live Preview as Html5 application and on mobile devices
- Create your own VisionX AddOns
- Integrate Custom controls
- More actions
- Developer documentation
- Form validation support
- Tree support
- Integrate any Vaadin AddOn
- New data wizard with simple and advanced mode
- SOAP interface for importing reports
- Mobile API, Designer API
- Seamless Eclipse IDE integration for your applications
- PostgreSQL as database system
- Integrated pgAdmin
- Application template support
- Screen templates
- Support for the new Security mechanism of Java applications
- Your applications will be based on Open Source Software
The list is not complete because we have about 500 Tickets in VisionX 2.0.
More information will follow in the next weeks.
Do you use a Vaadin application as portlet with e.g. Liferay and does your application create generic downloads (e.g. reports)?
If you want to download generic/dynamically created files from a portlet, you don't have too many options. You could use the FileDownloader extension or you could open a new window with the file resource. But both options are not perfect. The FileDownloader has to be connected to a clickable component e.g. a button and the new window won't be closed automatically (browser dependent). The FileDownloader is a good solution (see recommendations) but it triggers the download from the browser via user interaction. If you have dynamic UIs or if you can't use a FileDownloader because you need a more generic solution, then you could have a problem?
Our JVx Vaadin UI implementation is very dynamic and a developer doesn't use native vaadin components (until he needs to do). The FileDownloader didn't work for us because of UI abstraction. But we have a solution that might help you as well. Its comparable to FileDownloader but it's not user driven.
Simply use our extension with your UI:
//only once in init
DownloaderExtension downloader
= new DownloaderExtension
//start the download
The extension is not limited to UI but one Downloader per application is enough.
The source code is available in our repository.