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Category: News

JVx 3.0 will change something...

The development phase of JVx 3.0 has started. We'll change some things which are important to know:

JVx 3.0 won't be Java 6 compatible. We'll switch to Java 8 and... still super backwards compatible.

We'll also change some package names like javax.rad. But we don't have a complete list right now.
So keep reading.

VisionX EA version 5.6.4050 is available

The current EA version of VisionX 5.6.4050 contains some bugfixes and improvements.

It comes with latest Postgresql JDBC driver which will work without changes with EDB.
... oh... and deployment for Tomcat 10 and all other Jakarta based application servers is on board.

As usual - available in the download area for our customers ;-)
Have fun!

reactUI style example

We're happy to announce that our brand new reactUI got themes and color schemes.

We have a basic, small and mobile theme and basic, dark, orange, blue color schemes. Simply mix theme with color scheme. The result will be awesome!
I's super easy to create your own theme or color scheme. We have a style example project for you.

Let's create awesome themes and color schemes ;-)

Log4j - CVE-2021-44228

No worries about CVE-2021-44228.

We have support in JVx for different logging libraries, but use Java logging API per default.
Our product VisionX doesn't use log4j(2) and the log4j2 jar file is not included.

So if you're using VisionX, you won't have any problems.
If you're using JVx without log4j2, also no problems.
If you're using JVx and log4j2, be sure to use one of the latest jdks and you won't have any problems. Also an update to latest log4j2 is recommended.

Postgres Build 2021 - our experience talk

Our CEO Roland Hörmann, will talk about Oracle to PostgreSQL migration a practical report tomorrow at Postgres Build.

Read more about his talk.

If you're interested, simply register and listen to Roland!

Low-Code mit VisionX - Artikel

Es gibt seit kurzem einen neuen Artikel über VisionX und Low-Code in der deutschen Presse. Hier das Intro:

Die Begriffe Low-Code und No-Code sind zwei neue Sterne am Himmel. Im Jahre 2014 wurde Low-Code von Forrester Research benannt und erst in den letzten Monaten wurde richtig Fahrt aufgenommen. Fast wöchentlich tauchen neue Tools auf. Eine Empfehlung auszusprechen, ist nahezu unmöglich. Auch im Java-Umfeld gibt es viele Tools, die den Anforderungen von Low- und No-Code gerecht werden. Eines dieser Tools wird in diesem Artikel vorgestellt: VisionX.

Der Artikel referenziert auch auf einen etwas älteren Artikel, der hier zu finden ist.

Der vollständige Artikel über Low-Code ist hier zu finden. Prädikat lesenswert :-)

VisionX EA 5.6.2025 is available!

The current EA version of VisionX 5.6.2025 contains some bugfixes and improvements.

Especially the mobile Preview in browsers had a big problem. We also released new vesions of our AddOns: Profiles & User Filter, CSV Import, Cloud, AuditLog and REST.

Also integrated is the latest preview build of our next generation web interface.

As usual - available in the download area ;-)
Have fun!

VisionX EA 5.6.2018 is available

VisionX Early Access version 5.6.2018 is avaiable.

There's no big difference to the official release version, just some smaller bugfixes and lib updates.

VisionX 5.6.2016 is out

We're happy to announce that VisionX 5.6.2016 is available!

It's an update of 5.6.925 with bugfixes, but also has some new features:

  • With VisionX 5.6.2016 it's possible to define dependent comboboxes. This means that the list of shown records can be restricted.
  • Another big new feature is that it's possible to merge the database structure (currently, no data support) during database installation. Simply upgrade your production database instead of creating a new database. Sure, it's still possible to create a new database, but it's optional. The data import can be done with our CSV Import AddOn because your production system will have different data as your development system. So it's usually very difficult to merge data automatically.
  • We have the experimental new charts and gauges integrated. The new charts are based on chartJS. To use the experimental feature, it's required to enable it manually.
  • It's now possible to use our cloud PDF converter service if you don't need your own in-house converter service. The cloud PDF converter service is optional and not part of VisionX. It's a perfect match if you use our VisionX cloud and require PDF documents.
  • Our new web UI (reactUI) is updated. It's already possible to clone the open source project, build it (create a bundle) and use your own build with VisionX.

The new release is available for all our customers. We'll release the next Early Access version in the next few days.

So, keep reading our News!

Simple HTML Editor for VisionX

With next VisionX update, we'll offer a simple HTML editor for labels.

HTML editor

HTML editor

The HTML editor will be available as customizer for labels and buttons. It supports you with colors, font (bold, underline, ...) and alignment. It'll be possible to work with html code or to use the visual editing mode.