Our vaadin UI implementation is ready for Liferay portals because vaadin has built-in support for portlets and we added some magic to our UI implementation. With our last integration project we made it possible to run a JVx screen without changes as Liferay portlet. It was amazing but there was a limitation to one screen. It wasn't possible to open screens from the portlet itself, because we didn't implement this feature.
With our current implementation, we support whole applications running as portlet. It's possible to open other screens directly from your portlet. It's also possible to navigate between screens but with full JVx security mechanism (which is directly connected to Liferay security). Now it's really amazing:
We have two screenshots for you. The first shows the embedded variant with two opened screens, but only one screen is visible. It's possible to navigate between screens via navigation links. The second one shows the window variant. Every new screen will be opened as separate window.
 Screen embedded |
 Screen as window |
Most of you know JVx as a full-stack application framework. You use it for creating backend applications or for your ERP applications. It offers different UI implementations for Desktops, Mobile Devices and Web Browsers. It has so many productivity features and now there is one more:
Run your JVx application as Liferay Portlet
Yes, you read right - a whole application!
How it looks like?

JVx as Vaadin Portlet
It's not a fake, it's the well known Contacts screen from our Showcase application. We didn't change the source code to run the screen as Portlet! As you can see, we didn't use menus or toolbars, only one screen. A Portlet should be simple because Liferay offers menus and site navigation.
How it works?
Use your existing application, bundle it together with JVx.vaadin and configure the Portlet Launcher in your deployment descriptor. You need some additional configuration files for liferay, but there's no difference between your current Portlets and a Portlet for a JVx application.
Everything you need is Open Source and released under Apache License 2.0, but we don't have detailed documentation at the moment. Support us with your contribution!
Boost your productivity
If you develop a lot of different Portlets for your customers and won't waste time for XML file creation, simply use VisionX. It has a WYSIWYG UI editor and creates your database model on-the-fly. It is your pain killer!
It offers Liferay Portlet creation with 4 mouse clicks. Don't create everything manually and save time - Use VisionX!

VisionX Screen Design
We've used VisionX to demonstrate the creation of above contacts screen. We spent 5 minutes to create a complete application, with database model, user management and Liferay Portlet deployment. We were amazingly fast!