We re-activated our Twitter storage for Packung! 2014. The old implementation was based on twitter4j 2.1.7 and since Twitter API changes, our implementation stopped to work. After a library update to twitter4j 4.0.1 and some smaller changes, everything is fine again.
The storage in action:

Twitter Storage implementation
The storage extends the standard AbstractMemStorage of JVx.
We have a lot of useful features in JVx. It is very easy to develop multi tier applications, two tier applications or simple desktop applications - started as RIA, Web or Standalone application.
Every tier is technology independent and does not require third party frameworks. We can use every useful framework to create business logic.
But we don't have a lot of connectors out-of-the box (at the moment). There are a lot of technologies out there, e.g. NOSQL, Cloud services, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, REST, ...
Not all technologies are useful for business apllications, but it is a lot of fun to work with new technologies
We spent some hours to develop a simple Twitter client (rather a connector) to read/delete/insert Tweets. The result can be seen here:

Twitter client with JVx
What we did?
- Created a new Storage, called TwitterStorage
- extended AbstractMemStorage
- Implemented loadData, insert, delete and getRowDefinition
- used twitter4j
After 290 lines of code we were finished. The standard RemoteDataBook works perfect with the new Storage (full support for filtering, sorting, master-detail relations).