Last JVx release
We think it's time to say goodbye to JVx and it's sub projects!
Because of the growing number of UI independent frameworks we think it's time to focus on new challenges. In the last months we worked hard to develop the last JVx release. The version number is now 2.0 and it is our last release.
We had some discussions with partners and developers about the future of JVx and we decided to move over to Eclipse RCP. It absolutely makes sense because the codebase of Eclipse RCP is very clear and the technology is easy to learn. There is enough documentation and the platform is well known.
We migrated all our projects to Eclipse RCP and are very happy with the results because everything is now based on Maven and we now have well organized sub projects. Instead of one small project we now have one Maven module project, a client, a server and a business logic project. The build customization is so comfortable and build scripts are now extremely short.
There's only one thing left to say: Thanks for your support!
Well that is too bad.
I really must say, when my underlings suggested i move my naughty/nice list to a central database, i was sceptical at first, but with the help JVx we were able to cut down two thirds of maintenance time. I am also able to see who is naughty or nice while being active on the job with the mobile app. That made logistics even easier.
Lets hope that with Eclipse RCP future releases will be just as good.
There's only one thing to say: Ho, Ho, Ho!
Ah well, I am not sure if I should be glad or sad.
My old friend cupid suggested moving my old fashioned Pen/Paper application for collecting teeth to JVx, as (at least what he told me) it greatly improved his productivity. Well, not for me.
The web interface drove me crazy as in some places - believe it or not - the internet connectivity was so bad I wasn't able to collect teeth. And this in Anno Domini 2014...! However; I have changed my business model; I only do business with children who grant me free WiFi access for the time being.
As JVx is kind of desupported now I need to do another migration to Oracle Forms 11gR2. Well, at least according to Oracle
PropagandaMarketing it has "extreme Productivity".Farewell!
We should all meet at the North Pole for a VisionX training