What a great day for our Android dev team. Our new test devices arrived today.
 Nexus 5 with KitKat |
 Nexus 9 with Lollipop |
We're not sure if the dev team is making progress today
The Android Client will be available in Google Play as soon as possible. Currently only the iOS client is available in the App store. The Android client will be available as Preview version and as Pro version, same as the iOS client. The preview client could be used for tests together with VisionX. It will be limited to one screen.
The last official JVx release was in May and last VisionX version was released in July. We think it's time to update both and planned the release of JVx 2.1 and VisionX 2.1 for the end of November. Currently, we are in time and shouldn't have any delays.
There are some open tickets for JVx and VisionX, but the planned features are done. The open tickets are nice to have and favoured from the 2.2' release.
Especially VisionX 2.1 will be an awesome new release because it contains soo many new features. The new solution store, the styling of mobile and web applications, the new GUI designer, PDF reporting, IDE integration, subscription based licensing and many more. The release will be the first with full Oracle Forms migration support. It has all known features of Oracle Forms like Repeating Frames, Focus order, Popup Menu configuration.
The release will contain solutions for over 200 tickets.
And what's in JVx 2.1?
We've some cool changes, e.g. great support for automatic tests (unique component names), reduced metadata caching, JNDI support for configuration files, Replacement and StrictIsolation annotations, REST refactoring and many more.
Stay tuned
The upcoming release of VisionX will support PDF report creation. We didn't re-invent the wheel and used our existing reporting engine with our templating mechanism. You'll simply create a word or excel template as usual and the result will be a PDF file.
The new PDF options

PDF reports
Our solution is based on toPDF and we recommend the commercial SDK, but it's also possible to integrate an OpenSource alternative or your own product. We'll help you if you need support!
We think that an end-user should create reports with word and excel instead of custom reporting tools. Of course, a developer will love it 
Don't waste time anymore!.
The big advantage of our solution is that the reports will look exactly as designed and you won't use new tools to create pixel perfect reports.
Some time ago, I wrote about toPDF. It's a simple web application that allows office format to PDF conversion using PDFCreator. It's open source and allows synchronuous conversion via http post requests or REST calls.
We made some changes in toPDF that makes it possible to use different converter tools/SDKs. It's now possible to use PDFCreator or easyPDF SDK. The first solution is OpenSource and the last is commercial. I prefer the commercial SDK because it has a lot of useful features, offers a Java bridge and works super fast in server environments. The OpenSource solution also works, but needs some tinkering.
Anyway, the toPDF application supports both and it's easy to integrate other converter. Simply implement the interface
public interface IPdfOperator
public void convert(File pDocument, File pPdf, PdfSettings pSettings) throws Exception;
Set the context parameter: operatorClass in your web.xml, e.g.
<description>PDF operator</description>
The default operator is com.sibvisions.topdf.operator.bcl.EasyPdfOperator.