Ein spannender Artikel über JVx und JavaFX ist im aktuellen JavaAktuell zu finden.
Der Artikel wurde von Roland Hörmann verfasst und behandelt das Thema Effiziente Software Entwicklung mit Java und insbesondere mit JavaFX bzw. dem OpenSource Java Framework JVx.
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Our Eclipse plugin for JVx and VisionX is available as version 1.2.4.
It's a small bugfix release.
- Proxy support (tests)
Some customers had problems with http(s) proxies and our trial activation. We made extended tests with (win/linux) proxies and didn't find any problems. We reduced the communication timeout because it was too long. Please send us your feedback.
- Additional checks for client/server code mixing
It might be a problem if you use a server class (src.server) in your client classes (src.client). This depends on the deployment mode (Web, Desktop, ...), but it's better to separate client and server code. The new check can be dis/enabled but it checks by default if your client has direct server references.
- Using Metadata independent of AbstractCachedStorage
It's now possible to use column name autocompletion, even if the storage isn't an instance of "AbstractCachedStorage".
Simply update EPlug via Eclipse or jump to the info page.