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VisionX Update Release for 2.4

We have awesome news for you. We'll release the 2nd update of VisionX 2.4 by the end of this week!

The update will come with some new features and many bugfixes. The most important feature is that all open source libraries were updated. You'll have access to new APIs and new feautres of all libraries. VisionX itself got some bugfixes regarding the visual designer. A great new feature is the support for AddOns with access to VisionX. It'll be possible to customize VisionX for your needs.

We also have some new AddOns and Demo Applications e.g. the VaadinAddOn which enables you to create your own vaadin widgetset/theme in seconds.

The 2.4 release of VisionX will be the last version with Vaadin 7 because we already work with Vaadin 8.1 in our development branches.

We'll also change the version number of VisionX with our next release. Instead of 2.5, it'll be 5.0.


Because VisionX is very mature and the version number 2 doesn't fit. The next release will be a major change because VisionX will contain Vaadin 8.1 and this library requires Java 8, so also our VisionX projects will require Java 8. This isn't a big change, because VisionX itself comes with Java 8. The difference is the project configuration for your IDE.

All planned changes shouldn't be a problem for you, because Java 9 is out and Java 8 is the Java version you should use for your projects. The Java version won't make any difference for our Oracle Forms users because our JVx library will be built with Java 6 - no changes for you.