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VisionX EA news

With our latest VisionX EA versions, we changed the style a little bit. It's still the good old VisionX, but with a modern touch.

Some impressions

VisionX start

VisionX start

Application list

Application list

Design area

Design area

Hide screens

Hide screens

What else is new?

Our latest EA version now supports commercial EDB JDBC driver. It's not bundled with VisionX, because of driver license, but if you are EDB customer, it's as simple as copy/paste, to use EDB JDBC driver. Sure, this is a developer feature.

Our brand new react UI is also available via npm. The example application already describes how to use reactUI as dependency.

The react UI is not a replacement of our current vaadin UI, it's a modern UI based on react. Using react is sometimes easier in case of customization or if you plan to integrate an application into existing portals. We have still many vaadin UI applications and users, so no worries. We'll keep it as long as possible.

What's next?

We plan to release our flutter app in Q3. It's a complete rewrite of the current app. It's super fast compared to the first version, has full layout support and is still open source.

VisionX EA 5.6.4660 is available

The current EA version of VisionX 5.6.4660 contains some smaller bugfixes and an update of the new reactUI.

As usual - available in the download area for our customers ;-)
Have fun!