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VisionX cloud update

With VisionX, it's possible to create applications in minutes instead of hours. After your application is ready, you want to use it. If you own the right infrastructure and server environments, this is an easy task. Simply deploy your application in your infrastrcuture and you're done. If you don't have your own infrastructure, no worries. With our VisionX cloud it's super easy to run your application.

We introduced VisionX cloud together with VisionX 5.6, two years ago. In January this year, we had to change our VisionX cloud because our infrastructure provider closed its services. From one day to the next we had a huge problem. No other service provider had a comparable solution for us, so we made the decision to do everything on our own. Some weeks later, we were up and running without service interruption. Our VisionX cloud is now more flexible, faster and built with open standards. It's Docker based. Our docker images are hosted on Docker hub. Our VisionX cloud uses official postgresql and our extended tomcat image. If you have your own docker infrastructure, it's possible to use our images as well.

We didn't only change the infrastructure and re-created the VisionX cloud, we also took the time and add some new features.

With next VisionX version and an update of VisionX cloud AddOn, it will be possible to access your deployment history:

Deployment history

Deployment history

The detail view will show you some metrics of your application like RAM and DISC usage:

Service details

Service details

We also improved our cloud management tool and introduced a maintenance mode. You'll see a new message:



if cloud is temporarily not available.

Our automatic deployment process is now faster than before and we improved our service monitoring. Overall, it's an awesome solution for your applications. Create and Deploy an application in minutes!

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