The upcoming release of VisionX will support PDF report creation. We didn't re-invent the wheel and used our existing reporting engine with our templating mechanism. You'll simply create a word or excel template as usual and the result will be a PDF file.
The new PDF options
PDF reports
Our solution is based on toPDF and we recommend the commercial SDK, but it's also possible to integrate an OpenSource alternative or your own product. We'll help you if you need support!
We think that an end-user should create reports with word and excel instead of custom reporting tools. Of course, a developer will love it Don't waste time anymore!.
The big advantage of our solution is that the reports will look exactly as designed and you won't use new tools to create pixel perfect reports.
We have a nice looking Reporting application in our solution store. It's a standard JVx application with a styled table.
But it's not a table demo! It demonstrates report creation for offline data manipulation. Simply create Excel sheets for your contacts, change the contact offline and update the online record with a simple upload. The Excel file has choice fields and allows same features as the online form.
Here it is
Reporting demo
of course, it's free
Simply open the solution store and install the application
Unser Produkt VisionX verhalf uns zu einem Artikel in der aktuellen Computerwelt, TOP 1001.
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A new demo application is available for VisionX.
It's a very simple application that demonstrates the user and role capabilities of VisionX.
Ready made solution
The application has two screens: Overview and Project types.
The overview screen has three buttons:
Overview screen
The buttons Report and Details are not enabled for users with role Read. The Add button near type field only is visible for users with Manage role. If a user has Read role, the window title will contain (readonly). The assigned user roles will be shown beside the project name.
Our first Eclipse Plugin for JVx and VisionX will be available in a few weeks. We're feature complete and are in the internal test phase. We're extremely surprised about the productivity boost. With VisionX it's currently possible to create and deploy professional database applications in few minutes. The development process is super fast because of VisionX and some really useful features like Action wizard and GUI designer. The missing piece was the IDE integration. It was possible to use Eclipse as IDE to modify VisionX applications, live and bidirectional. The only problem was that it was not easy to find the right line of code or member to do modifications. It wasn't a big problem but it was a waste of time.
Our Plugin helps to save development time, again. The combination of VisionX with EPlug is awesome.
The name of the Plugin is EPlug (not very creative but simple). It will be available in different editions: Lite, Pro and VisionX.
The Lite edition will be free and doesn't offer full power but will be useful.
The Pro edition won't have any limits but won't interact with VisionX.
The VisionX edition adds interaction to Pro edition. It will be possible to use VisionX to jump to Source Code in Eclipse and to show changes directly in VisionX (means live live).
At the end of the "new features" week, we'll introduce another great VisionX feature. It's the export of an application as desktop application.
What does desktop application mean?
VisionX usually creates 3-tier database applications. The GUI is separated from the business logic and decoupled from the database. The GUI usually runs on client machines, the business logic on application servers and the database could be on the same machine as the application server or could be a different server machine in your network. If you use our HTML5 launcher, the GUI and business logic will run on the application server. This means that the application seams to be 2-tier (Client/Server), but no worries the applications are always 3-tier.
A desktop application should/could work without an application server because it's overhead for some use-cases. This means that the desktop application contains the GUI and the business logic. It directly uses/connects to the database and you could say that such an application is a 2-tier Client/Server application. A desktop application needs manuall "installation" and manual updates. If you have small departments and/or don't have a lot of infrastructure/servers, a desktop application might fit perfectly.
All applications, created with VisionX, have an ant build file that makes it possible to create war files and do deployments. It's an easy task, for developers, to create a desktop application from the created files. It's enough to define the classpath that contains all libraries, use the right main class and add important start parameters. The steps are the same as for any other Java application.
But our applications have some additional features like an application help. This help can be created with VisionX and it's an online help based on vaadin. The integration of an online help into a desktop application makes the task a little bit tricky.
VisionX does all necessary steps for you and your desktop application will be ready after some seconds. The application is packed into a zip archive that contains an executable jar file (start via double click), a bat file for windows, a sh script for linux/mac and an exe file for windows. The installation is very easy because every modern OS is able to extract zip archives without additional tools.
The next great feature of JVx is the customizable focus order.
The focus order defines the navigation between components via Tabulator or Enter. If you press Tab in an Editor with index 1, the focus will jump to the component (e.g. an Editor) with the next higher index. If you didn't define an index, the default focus order of Java will be used.
We introduced
in IComponent. This makes it possible to easily configure the focus order. We also have support for this new feature in VisionX. It's really helpful:
Set focus order
The designer shows the focus index and it's possible to set the index via customizer.
If you're an Oracle Forms user and think about a different technology for your applications, watch following screen cast. It shows how we use VisionX to migrate FMB (windows) to Java, in seconds. Simply watch 90 seconds and it's done
JVx Application Stack
Another use-case is the integration of a Java screen, directly in your Oracle Forms application. See our solution in action:
JVx Application Stack
The first video shows our record navigion similar to Oracle Forms and of course, we have a solution for Forms' Enter query mode.
It contains current JVx, ProjX libraries and source code.
If you miss some features after upgrading, please contact our product support because previous versions provided features without valid license. If the features are already licensed, no worries.
We have a really cool new feature for you. It's comparable to repeating frames of Oracle Forms. It's more or less a free-form table. Every row is a panel with custom components and every row shows the same components but bound to our DataBook.
A short video will demonstrate how it works:
JVx Application Stack
We use the name ComponentTable for the control. It'll be available in one of the next VisionX nightly builds but will be limited to our OracleForms license option.