Our VisionX Previewer App 3.2.0 is available. PLEASE read this article BEFORE updating the app.
It's a performance and feature release for flutter 3.24.
The new version fully supports table cell formatting (Cell profiles), fixed table cell size calculation, improved image loading and caching (no more flickering), supports full-screen content without safe are (optional), contains new date and time picker components and comes with updated dependencies.
With next version we will use flutter 3.27 and later.
A full changelog is available here and information about 3.2.0.
Our VisionX Previewer App 3.1.0 is available.
It's a small feature release for dark mode support.
Some impressions
 App overview black |
 Splash black |
 Menu black |
 Login black |
 Screen black |
 Menu black |
 Settings black |
|  Settings |
A full changelog is available here and information about the 3.1.0.
Our VisionX Previewer App 3.0.3 is available.
It's a feature release!
- Save file action AND optional Show file
- ReadOnlyChecker support
- Change base URL for multiple apps with same base URL
- Activate Screen support
- Charts and Gauges reimplementation
- Native push support
- Barcode support for (QR) Scanner
- Application now knows dark/light mode
- ...
- Bugfixes
A full changelog is available here and information about the 3.0.3, 3.0.2, 3.0.1, 3.0.0
Our VisionX Previewer App 2.9.0 is available.
It's a feature release!
- It's now possible to close a screen via menu (small x beside the text).
- The table selection is now super fast. We removed the delay between click and select record.
- It's now possible to change the application name
- Linked cell editors now support concat masks
- Improved offline sync and user messages
- New retry feature for offline -> online
- Html editor support for contenttype/html
- ...
- Bugfixes
A full changelog is available here and information about the 2.9.0, 2.8.0, 2.7.0
Our VisionX Previewer App 2.6.0 is available.
It's not just an update release, it's a release with many new features!
An impression is available here.
The new app overview makes our previewer app a multi previewer app. Use one application to manage all your VisionX applications and switch between the apps.
A full changelog is available here
The next mobile UI will be version 2.6.0 and will be available in April.
We wrote about some new features in our last blog.
We have more highlights for your
- Tree support
 Tree support
 Tree selected
- Concat mask support

Concat mask
- Popup/Content support

- Saving immediate support for editors
- Signature pad with lock mode (better scrolling support)
- App now sends alive to the server
- Websocket keep alive
Our mobile flutter UI is just awesome. Just sayin'
The next version will be 2.6.0.
It will fix some smaller bugs and will provide you with a killer feature. It will be possible to use multiple application configurations. Simply switch your JVx based applications.
The application overview will look like this:

Application overview
What else?
We have support for haptic feedback and slider button. We improved screen loading and will show a skeleton with loading animation. We have support for flat/text buttons an image viewer and full-screen multiline text editor. The image viewer is automatically available for all your image editors. Simply tap on an image. If you have small multiline editors in your screen, simply double tap to get a full-screen editor.
You want more?
We have edit support for simple tables (single cells or the whole record), we have sort on header and also table reload support. The application API was updated and is now much easier to use. Our example application demonstrates many use-cases but a full API documentation is not available at the moment. This is on our todo-list!
The flutter client for JVx applications is Apache 2.0 licensed and the source code is available here.
Es gibt seit kurzem einen neuen Artikel über VisionX und Low-Code in der deutschen Presse. Hier das Intro:
Die Begriffe Low-Code und No-Code sind zwei neue Sterne am Himmel. Im Jahre 2014 wurde Low-Code von Forrester Research benannt und erst in den letzten Monaten wurde richtig Fahrt aufgenommen. Fast wöchentlich tauchen neue Tools auf. Eine Empfehlung auszusprechen, ist nahezu unmöglich. Auch im Java-Umfeld gibt es viele Tools, die den Anforderungen von Low- und No-Code gerecht werden. Eines dieser Tools wird in diesem Artikel vorgestellt: VisionX.
Der Artikel referenziert auch auf einen etwas älteren Artikel, der hier zu finden ist.
Der vollständige Artikel über Low-Code ist hier zu finden. Prädikat lesenswert
Es gibt seit kurzem einen neuen Artikel über unsere brandneue Flutter App in der deutschen Presse. Hier das Intro:
Wer eine App für mobile Geräte entwickeln möchte, steht zumindest vor einer wichtigen Frage: Mit welcher Technologie soll die App realisiert werden? Da es aktuell verschiedenste Möglichkeiten gibt, ist die Antwort nicht sofort klar. Mit diesem Problem war das Framework-Team von SIB Visions ebenfalls konfrontiert, als es darum ging, einen Client für das Open Source Application Framework JVx zu entwickeln. Wie
vor allem was umgesetzt wurde, wird ...
Der vollständige Artikel ist hier zu finden. Prädikat lesenswert