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Posts tagged: VisionX

VisionX CSS Styling feature

The upcoming release of VisionX will support CSS styling. We'll show you a first impression with a short video:

Vaadin AddOn for VisionX

The editor supports autocompletion and syntax highlighting:

VisionX CSS Editor

VisionX CSS Editor

We did integrat the RSyntaxTextArea for this. If you want to know how this works, check the documentation.

Screen Embedding AddOn for VisionX

We have a new AddOn for all VisionX users. It's the Embedding AddOn.

The new AddOn makes it possible to embedd one work-screen into another work-screen. Simply re-use screens in other screens.

Get an impression

Vaadin AddOn for VisionX

The AddOn is commercial and not included in VisionX. Contact our sales team to get more information!

VisionX 2.4 u2 is out

We're happy to announce VisionX 2.4 Update Release 2. It's another milestone for us.

The new version is a bugfix release with some important features for all our customers. The top bug was a missing license check for our HTML5 implementation. With older versions it was possible to use our HTML5 application without valid license. This wasn't a hidden feature, it was a real bug. The new version has a clean license check and some of you will need a new license. This is no problem, simply contact us.

What's new?

  • Full-Screen mode

    Press F12 to maximize VisionX without frame border.

  • HTML5 Live preview options

    It supports "application per session", custom UI factory, custom Application setups, main, config and externalCss URL parameter.

  • VisionX is now http session ready

    It will be possible to use VisionX on server-side as backend for remote application development.

  • Fixed Copy/Paste for DnD fields

    It's now possible to Copy/Paste into field with DnD support.

  • Automatic UI tests

    VisionX now supports automatic UI tests with an optional AddOn. The mechanism isn't limited to our AddOn. It's also possible to create custom Modules/AddOns.

  • Tibero Database support

    VisionX has built-in support for Tibero Database (tested with version 6).

  • Auto-restart feature

    VisionX got a Preloader. This allows custom libraries without manually changing the classpath. The old classpath mechanism is still available, but we use the Preloader by default.

  • Action Editor with custom editor support

    It's now possible to add custom editors in the action editor via action.xml and/or a custom module.

  • GridLayout support

    It's now possible to use panels with GridLayout, if set in Source Code.

  • Custom vaadin widgetsets and themes

    It's now possible to create custom vaadin widgetsets, e.g. add an AddOn from the Vaadin Directory. It's super easy to create a custom theme and setting your custom css attributes.

  • Performance improvement

    We reduced the fetch calls during screen creation. This will improve performance with big tables and complex views.

  • New modules, AddOns and demo applications (optional)

    The VaadinAddon can be used to create a custom widgetset or theme. The AppTeste is an automatic UI test tool. There is a new demo application for testing Validators. The new reporting demo application will show all features of our reporting engine.

  • Configurable EPlug ports

    It's now possible to configure the EPlug communication ports via system properties.

  • Better Application signing

    Our signing mechanism now supports TSA Urls, Proxies, signing algorithms and much more.

  • Service module merging

    Newly created applications will automatically merge service modules. This is an important bugfix for e.g. the profiles module.

The new version is available in your download area or as Trial version.

VisionX, a short look at Validators

It is time to have a short look at Validators, what they are, how they work and how they can be used.

Okay, what are they?

A Validator is a component which is available to our customers who have purchased VisionX, it allows to quickly and easily add field validation to a form or any screen with records.

Validators in VisionX

Validators are readily available in VisionX as components which can be added to the screen.

VisionX Validators - Toolbox

It can be added to the screen by simply dragging it like any other component, but must be configured afterwards to know which field required validation.

VisionX Validators - Properties

There are three important properties to the Validator:

  • Binding: The field to which the Validator should be bound to. This works analog to selecting to a field for an Editor.
  • Automatic validate: If the validation process should be automatically performed on value changes.
    If this is checked, the Validator will listen for value changes on the specified field and will automatically run the validation action on every change. If not checked, the validation process must be run manually by calling Validator.validate() as needed.
  • Hide until first validate: If the Validator should stay hidden until at least one validation was performed.
    If this is checked, the Validator will not be visible until at least its validation has been called once, afterwards it will always be visible.

Validating values

To actually validate something, we have to attach an action to the Validator which will perform the validation. This can be readily done through the VisionX action designer, which provides everything needed to create such an action and we will not go into detail on how to do this.

We will, however, have a short look at the code of a simple action.

  1. public void doValidateNonEmpty(Validator pValidator) throws Throwable
  2. {
  3.     if (Logical.equals(rdbData.getValue("COLUMN"), ""))
  4.     {
  5.         throw new Exception("A value for the COLUMN must be entered.");
  6.     }
  7. }

It is a very simple action, the current value of the DataBook is checked and if it is empty, an Exception is. This is the most simple validation action one can create.

Validators in action

Once we have everything setup, we can put the Validators to good use. When the validation is performed, may it be automatically or manually, the validation actions will be invoked and if all of them return without throwing an Exception, the Validator will display a green check mark. However, if the actions should throw an Exception, the Validator will display a red "X".

VisionX Validators - Failed

Manual validation

Manually invoking the validation process as needed is quite simple by calling Validator.isValid(), which will return either true or false.

  1. public void doSaveButtonPressed(UIActionEvent pEvent) throws Throwable
  2. {
  3.     if (validator.isValid())
  4.     {
  5.         rdbData.saveSelectedRow();
  6.     }
  7.     else
  8.     {
  9.         labelError.setVisible(true);
  10.     }
  11. }

Above you see a sample action which manually performs the validation process and either saves the data or sets an error label to visible.

The ValidationResult

One can quickly end up with many Validators in a single screen, which might make it difficult for the user to directly see why a field is not correctly validated. So it suggest itself that there should be a short summary close to the save button to make sure that the user is readily provided with the information why the action could not be performed. For this scenario there is the ValidationResult, which is another component which can be added to the screen from the toolbox.

It will automatically find all Validators in the screen and will perform their validation as needed. Afterwards it will gather all error messages and display them in a list.

VisionX Validators - ValidationResult

The ValidationResult can be used similar to the Validator in an action.

  1. public void doSaveButtonPressed(UIActionEvent pEvent) throws Throwable
  2. {
  3.     if (validationResult.isValid())
  4.     {
  5.         rdbData.saveSelectedRow();
  6.     }
  7.     else
  8.     {
  9.         labelError.setVisible(true);
  10.     }
  11. }

Additionally, there is the clearMessage() method which allows to clear the list of errors.


The Validator and ValidationResult provide quick and easy means to add data validation to forms and screens with records and can be added and configured completely through the VisionX designer. Additionally, it provides a rich API which allows it to be easily used when writing the code manually or extending it with additional functionality.

Vaadin AddOn for VisionX

We have a new AddOn for all VisionX users. It's the Vaadin AddOn.

The new AddOn makes it possible to integrate Vaadin AddOns from the official Vaadin AddOn Directory. It makes the integration super simple because we solved the technical problems. The AddOn does all the hard work for you and after two button clicks, everything is done.

With our new AddOn, we introduced more new VisionX features. In the next update release, it will be possible to create AddOns which have access to VisionX itself. Use the internal DataBooks or the Designer, the WizardManager and all other APIs. It'll be possible to create your own VisionX based on VisionX!

Also new is the automatic restart feature. It's possible to restart VisionX after installing an AddOn or Module with a simple button click. This feature is the base for automatic VisionX updates. Currently, we don't update VisionX automatically, but we think it will be nice for one of the next versions.

Get an impression

Vaadin AddOn for VisionX

The AddOn is commercial and not included in VisionX. Contact our sales team to get more information!

GUI Testing with VisionX

A new AddOn for VisionX is coming :)

Our GUI testing tool

A first impression

Application tester

Application tester

The tool is a recorder for VisionX/JVx applications. It has an option to export created tests as JUnit tests which makes it easy for Software developers to integrate the GUI tests in their CI systems. It's a super easy tool with so much value for you!

The App Tester will be available in our solution store and will be an AddOn for VisionX.

If you are interested in details, leave a comment.

VisionX Demo Application

With the preparations for the VisionX 2.4 Update 1 we've also created several simple but telling demo applications. Let's have a look at these.


We start our short tour with the first demo, the "Aircraft Manufacturing Line Dashboard" which is emulating a dashboard as it can be found in various factories and manufacturing companies.


Its main frontend is a Swing based GUI which displays (randomly generated) data, additionally there is a Vaadin powered frontend which displays the raw data. The main highlights of this demo are:

  • Capability to customize technology-specific components.
  • Utilizing custom components in the VisionX designer.
  • Usage of cell formatters.
  • Making WorkScreens only available in certain environments.
  • Data is generated with either the Random object or OpenSimplexNoise.


This is a demo of a typical dashboard and master data forms of an ERP application, in this case a small company focused on import and export of chemical/biochemical materials and similar.


All WorkScreens are fully functional in Swing and Vaadin environments. The main highlights of this demo are:

  • Demonstration of feature parity and interchangeability between Swing and Vaadin.
  • Creation of custom controls for displaying data.
  • Fully and easily editable with the VisionX designer.


Next up is a demonstration of the ability to create end-user facing web portals with JVx and VisionX.


The whole application is designed to function on large and small displays alike, like those of smartphones. The main highlights are:

  • Demonstration of extensive customization via CSS.
  • Differing layouts depending on the environment (Desktop, Tablet, Smartphone).


Accessing data and documents on the go is always kind of a hassle, but we can make it easier and more comfortable by providing easy to use GUIs for such occasions.


This simple document management system shows off a simple and easy to use GUI for accessing and manipulating documents in the storage. The highlights are:

  • GUI designed to be used on small, touch-enabled displays.
  • Extending the Table to allow checkbox based multi-row selection.
  • Inserting and retrieving files from a database.
  • The new Upload component available in ProjX.


Last but, not least, is the "big guide" of how to use reporting in VisionX.


This application will take you step by step through the capabilities and features of the VisionX reporting solution. Every WorkScreen demonstrates another feature complete with a description, example, access to the template and final report and of course the related documentation.

  • A step-by-step introduction to the VisionX reporting solution.
  • 12 examples with easy to read and documented source code.
  • All parts easily accessible: Source code, Template, Data and Report.


All these applications are available in the VisionsX Solution Store, on demand. The source code is licensed under the permissive Apache License.

VisionX 2.4 update I is out

VisionX 2.4 update release I is out. The exact version number is 2.4.544.310.
It's a powerful update release becasue it contains latest versions of relevant opensource libraries and frameworks.

What's new?

  • Thumbnails

    If application contains a thumbnail, VisionX won't add a random thumbnail anymore.

  • HTML5 Theme

    It's now possible to change the HTML5 theme via web settings: Standard, Valo, Mobile

    Web settings

    Web settings

  • Live preview

    Live preview does now work if you apply external changes or if you change the source code in Eclipse (with installed EPlug).

  • GridLayout is now supported

    The GridLayout of JVx is now officially supported in VisionX' Designer.

  • Vaadin 7.7.9

    VisionX updates contains Vaadin 7.7.9.

  • Solution store update

    The solution store now shows available solutions based on your VisionX version.

  • New demo solutions

    We have awesome new demo applications for licensed users.

    Demo applications

    Demo applications

  • New Reporting demo

    The reporting demo is a complete documentation about VisionX reporting features and the reporting API.



    Report overview

    Report overview

  • Smaller bugfixes

All customers will find the new version in their download area!
The trial version was updated as well!

Simple Drop File Support for JVx applications

Our next update release of VisionX will support Dropping files. It's a very useful feature and was easy to implement. Sure, it's a Swing specific feature, but our VisionX is more or less JVx Swing UI based.

Get a first impression

VisionX Drop file support

We drop an exported application archive into VisionX and the import wizard is starting. It's also possible to Drop a file directly into the import wizard.

VisionX is a JVx application and it's super easy to implement such feature for your own JVx application. Here's a code snippet how it'll work:

public SimpleFileDropHandler addTarget(IComponent pTarget, IFileHandleReceiver pListener,
                                       String... pExtension)
    Object oResource = pTarget.getResource();
    if (!(oResource instanceof JComponent) && !(oResource instanceof JFrame))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given object can't be a drop target!");
    SimpleFileDropHandler handler = new SimpleFileDropHandler(pListener, pExtension);
    if (oResource instanceof JFrame)
        JComponent jcomp = getComponent((JComponent)oResource);
        if (jcomp != null)

private JComponent getComponent(JComponent pComponent)
    if (pComponent instanceof JVxEditor)
        JComponent comp = ((JVxEditor)pComponent).
        if (comp instanceof JScrollPane)
            Component cView = ((JScrollPane)comp).getViewport().getView();
            if (cView instanceof JComponent)
                return ((JComponent)cView);                    
                return null;
            return comp;
        return pComponent;

In principle, we set the TransferHandler for a JComponent. Above code detects the right JComponent because there's a difference if you use an IEditor.

The TransferHandler could be implemented like our SimpleFileDropHandler

public class SimpleFileDropHandler extends TransferHandler
    private IFileHandleReceiver listener;
    private String[] extensions;
    public SimpleFileDropHandler(IFileHandleReceiver pListener, String... pExtension)
        listener = pListener;
        extensions = pExtension;
    public boolean canImport(TransferHandler.TransferSupport pSupport)
        if (!pSupport.isDrop())
            return false;

        if (!pSupport.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.javaFileListFlavor))
            return false;

        boolean copySupported = (COPY & pSupport.getSourceDropActions()) == COPY;
        if (copySupported)
            return true;
        return false;
    public boolean importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport support)
        if (!support.isDrop())
            return false;

        List<File> files;
            files = (List<File>)support.getTransferable().
        catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ex)
            // should never happen (or JDK is buggy)
            return false;
        catch (IOException ex)
            // should never happen (or JDK is buggy)
            return false;
        if (listener != null)
            for (File file : files)
                    listener.receiveFileHandle(new FileHandle(file));
                catch (Exception e)
        return true;

Have fun ;-)

Smooth Forms 10g, 11i, 12c to Java Migration

This is a follow up for Smooth Forms 6i to Java Migration.

The following video demonstrates the integration of a Java screen into a Forms application. Since WebForms, it's possible to embedd Java swing components directly. We did create a compatibility layer to support special mouse features and to fix repaint problems. Our integration layer allows you to integrate a complete Java application, based on JVx.

Smooth Forms 10g, 11i, 12c Java Migration

The application is the standard Summit demo application for Forms. The Java application is very similar to the original application because we want to show how easy a 1:1 migration could be. The application was created with our low code platform VisionX. It offers a modern UI and is based on JVx, the OpenSource Java application framework. The final scene shows the embedded Java screen in Forms. It's super easy and doesn't need additional code. It just works with our compatibility layer.