I'm happy to announce that our Workflow Engine will work with Oracle Forms.
The current state is beta but we'll release our Workflow engine in the next days. We found some time to test the integration in Oracle Forms and the result is soo cool. It works like a charm.
So it will be possible to embed our Workflow engine in your oracle Forms. It'll be possible for your users to design custom flows and processes. The engine itself is database driven and will work with your Oracle Forms application.
More details will follow in the next days, but here's a first impression:

Workflow Engine - Oracle Forms
It's a standard Oracle Forms window/canvas with our Workflow Designer, embedded as Java Bean.
Feel free to ask your questions
This article is a short introduction of our brand-new product. It's a super simple workflow engine. Our workflow engine is database driven and can be configured and extended for your needs. The engine itself contains a simple board which allows you to create workflows. The configuration will be read from and saved into a database. The workflow steps are configured in the database and the engine simply executes the configured steps.
We tried to find a workflow solution for our needs or a simple product which supports drawing workflows. We found a lot of complex workflow engines and tools but not a simple one. We didn't like complex solutions so we started with our own workflow enigne.
And here are some impressions
 Workflow Designer (loop) |
 Workflow Designer |
The left area contains the list of available workflows and all used steps for each workflow. The search option is a full-text search for workflows and contained steps.
The right area contains all available/configured steps. The steps are configured in a database. We offer a simple Java interface which makes it possible to implement your own workflow steps. The area also contains a mini version of the board. This makes it smooth to search through the workflow.
The middle area, the board, contains the workflow designer. It supports Drag and Drop.
The created workflows can be used from any JVx based application. With next VisionX release, it'll be possible to use the new workflow engine.
The workflow engine will be available as AddOn for VisionX and as standalone version for product bundeling.