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JVx is written in Java and you can create Desktop Applications (Swing or QTJambi), Rich Internet Applications (Applet or Webstart or Ajax/HTML) and Mobile Android Applications. You develop an Application once and start it with different technologies - Single Sourcing!
But what about the iPhone?
Native iPhone apps are written in Obective-C, C or other supported programming languages. Java is not supported - at the moment.
We are currently developing iOS AddOns that makes it possible to create native iOS apps which uses JVx business logic. The AddOns includes object serialization, connection handling and simple model implementations.
Develop your JVx Business Application, use the same source code for your Desktop and/or Web Application and use the same business logic for your Mobile Device(s).
One framework for different plattforms and different technologies.
And everything is Open Source!
The source code of JVx is now hosted on SourceForge!
As a little bonus, we gave following packages in the repository:
- JVx Core
- JVx Android AddOns
- JVx Swing UI
- JVx QTJambi UI
- JVx Web UI
- JVx Flex client and server (proof of concept)
And finally, we decided to release the complete source code of our JVx .NET AddOns. The source code was not yet available and is still in development.
We look forward for many helping hands!
We decided to set up the public JVx source repository, before we release the next version. Because of this decision, we postponed the 0.8 release.
The repository will be available in the coming days. The current release date for JVx 0.8 is October, 11th.
What's new in the next release?
Check out the roadmap for detailed information!
Some highlights:
- New MetaData Caching
- Security checks for server calls
- Different password algorithms
- WebUI support
- DB relevant bugfixes
JVx defines a technology independent User Interface, with Interfaces. Each technology has to implement this interfaces for its components and controls, to be compatible with JVx. We have implemented all this interfaces for Swing.
In addition we have created some swing components with special features for business applications. This components are simple extensions to existing swing components and are supported from any Look and Feel. They can be used in any swing application with or without the whole JVx framework.
We will show here some of this components:
- DesktopPane with tab or frame mode
Switch between tab and frame view, Closable tabs (works with java 1.5 and is LaF independent), Drag and Drop Tabs, Tab navigation with keyboard, Modal frames, Background image.
 Frame mode
 Tab mode
 Desktop Background |
- ComboBoxes with user-defined popup components
A base implementation of a ComboBox called ComboBase. With this combo you can build your own ComboBox for e.g. input first and last name in separate fields. We implemented a date chooser and a table selector (header is:
 Date Combo
 Table Combo
- Table with load-on-demand model and ready-to-use cell editors/renderers
A table which uses an IDataBook implementation as model (e.g. MemDataBook) and shows cell editors and renderers dependent of the cell data types, e.g. a table with image renderer and multiple choice editor/renderer
 Table with renderer and editor
Following editors/renderer are available: Text, Number (only numbers are allowed), Date, Multiple Choice, Image |
- Button
A standard button and a toggle button with support for mouse-over borders.
- Icon
A special icon which supports image stretching and alignment.
Our implementation includes not only Swing components. It also contains some useful layouts:
- FormLayout
Anchor based layouting. Supports margins, stretching, gaps, ... It is designed for simple and complex forms.
- BorderLayout
Supports margins.
- SequenceLayout
Supports component stretching, component orientation, intelligent wrapping.
If you are interested in JVx, leave a comment or join our community.
You are welcome!