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JVx' JavaFX UI - first release

We're happy to announce our first beta release of JVx' JavaFX UI with version number 0.9 :)

The release is two weeks later than planned but we had some extra tasks to do. We didn't set 1.0 as version number because we have some open tickets which are important, in our opinion, for 1.0. The 0.9 beta is already feature complete with some known bugs.

We also released an extra library: JFXtensions
It contains all standalone controls and extensions which are independent of JVx. The MDI system, our layouts, styled scene and much more.

Here are the download links:

All libraries are available on maven central as well.

We've released DnDTabPane as external lib on maven central, because it wasn't available and our UI needs the dependency. The DnDTabPane is licensed under EPL 1.0 and JVxFX UI, JFXtensions are Apache 2.0 licensed.

The DnDTabPane is still based on Tom Schindls implementation for Efxclipse.

We've a very cool video of our work during the last 4 months. It's the visualizaton of our dev repository:

Respository visualization

The visualization was created with Gource.

Developer Information

The dev2015 branch was merged back to trunk. If you're working with our branch, please switch to trunk.

7 Responses to “JVx' JavaFX UI - first release”

  1. George Moralis says:

    As a suggestion for a custom control would be something like javascript's select2 plugin . Sometimes comboboxes has too many context and might be useful to have a search field inside popup control to filter the selection

  2. rjahn says:

    Did you mean jquery' replacement:

    This is a nice one!

  3. George Moralis says:

    yah correct :)
    Are you planning of adding something like this?

  4. rjahn says:

    We already have our custom combobox implementation: FXCustomComboBox

    Usually, we use the first grid row for searching (it's a special feature of JVx), but we'll add this as "to-discuss" feature request because the standard behaviour could be different in JavaFX.

  5. rjahn says:

    The result of our discussion is available as ticket: LinkedCellEditor should support filtering.

    Our swing implementation of the ComboBox (= LinkedCellEditor) works as expected. If you enter some text, the result will be filtered. We support wildcards.
    The same feature should be available in our FX implementation!

  6. No Comment says:

    New JFXtras? Awesome library though.

  7. rjahn says:

    No, not a new JFXtras. JFXtras could be integrated because it has useful controls, layouts, ....
    Our implementation is the JavaFX UI for JVx and has some extensions which could be part of JFxtras as well.

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