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Assignment Controls for next VisionX update

We have some really cool new controls for you and your applications. We talk about assignment controls.

An assignment control can be used to solve a specific problem: Imagine you have a user and roles in your application. Every user can have multiple roles. To assign a role to a user, you need for example a table control. Every record in the table is a valid role assignment. To fill the table, it's necessary to have a combobox with all available roles.

This is a standard functionality of VisionX but it's not user friendly. So we tried to solve the problem with better controls.

Here are some impressions:

Simple assignment

Simple assignment

Choose item

Choose item

Shuffle Box

Shuffle Box



With above controls you have better user experience and the Matrix table is perfect for a fast overview.

The controls will be available in the next VisionX update release - this week.