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Welcome - JVx Vaadin UI

I'm happy to show you first impressions of our upcoming Vaadin UI for JVx :)

What is JVx Vaadin UI?

It's cool. It's modern. It's fantastic. It's the replacement of our GXT WebUI and it's back to the roots - back to Java.
Simply use your existing JVx applications and use Vaadin as UI technology.

Not clear enough?

Develop your application with JVx and start the application as Desktop application with Swing or simply run the same application with Vaadin. There's no need to change your application if want another UI technology!

GXT WebUI vs. VaadinUI?

The big difference between our existing WebUI (based on GXT) and Vaadin UI is that you can extend your application easily with Vaadin AddOns, if you want. Use the whole Vaadin universe to enrich your web application, but use JVx to be UI technology independent. There's no need to code JavaScript.

The license of Vaadin is great for business applications and 3rd party extensions.

We'll post more details about our Vaadin UI, but now it's time for some impressions. We used our good old showcase application with a picture of Hans:

JVx with Swing

JVx with Swing

JVx with Vaadin

JVx with Vaadin

Above images show exactly the same JVx application. The Vaadin version still looks like a desktop application and we're planning a new application style for web applications because MDI is not really cool in browsers...

JVx with Codenvy (Cloud-IDE)

What is Codenvy?

In short, an IDE as online service or - with buzzwords - a cloud IDE. Some of the first questions were:

  • Who needs a cloud IDE?
  • Does a cloud IDE has enough features?

The answer to the first question could be: Developers without knowledge of environments. A cloud IDE simply runs, preconfigured with a compiler, preconfigured with a VCS, preconfigured build and or CI, deployment with one or two mouse clicks. If a developer does not know how he could configure all this things manually or with his IDE, he is a potential user of cloud IDEs.

As real software developer, you love your desktop IDE because it has all features... but some years ago, before we had Eclipse, Netbeans, IntelliJ or other IDEs, we used text editors and started compilers with scripts. I mean that features are relative because they will be more - it's a matter of time and number of users.

Another question was: Does it make sense to develop in the cloud?

It depends :)
If you develop web applications for end-users, you won't have problems with SLAs or confidentiality agreements? If you develop applications for business customers, you have to comply with contracts and data privacy. If you develop database applications, you must use a database available in the cloud.

If you develop in the cloud you should host everything in the cloud or make everything available in the cloud.

If you use a desktop IDE, you are the boss of updates and plugins. If you use a cloud IDE, the provider is the boss and updates whenever it's important or changes functionality whenever he wants. But you are always up-to-date.

An IDE in the cloud should be available on any device but is this important? Do you develop with your mobile device while sitting in your living room?

One fact is, that development in the cloud, is not as fast as local development (of course, if your environment is set up properly). Every task takes time and the performance of a Browser with Javascript is not really comparable to a native application, even if you you use Chrome. And another big disadvantage is that you can't change the environment. If you want to try different compilers, a different maven version or if you need a completely different project layout you'll have bad luck with cloud IDEs. If you want a new feature or different packages, you have to ask the provider for support.

I think that cloud IDEs are not an option for "pro" developers, but not every developer is a pro developer or needs much knowledge about complex environments. If a developer is more or less a "user", a cloud IDE will be an option.

What is a "user" developer?
(It's nothing bad!)

A developer without knowledge of environment configurations, without knowledge of build/CI systems. A developer that does not develop libraries or frameworks. Often a "pro" developer is also a "user" developer.

What has all this to do with JVx?

The creation of JVx applications should be as simple as possible and it should still be as simple as possible with cloud IDEs. Since we fully support Maven and have a JVx archetype, the creation of JVx applications - with standard IDEs - is very comfortable and super fast. We decided to try-out Codenvy because it looked very professional and had a clean GUI (similar to Eclipse). We tried Orion and had a bad feeling because it was a little bit hard to find out how it works, and finally it doesn't support pure Java projects (it currently supports JavaScript). The current Orion (2.0) IDE is more like a (very modern) remote file editor with JavaScript syntax highlighting and syntax check.

If a developer decides to use a cloud IDE, the IDE should be easy to use without a high learning curve (c'mon it's an IDE not a new programming language).

Our experiment with Codenvy

The IDE is free for open source projects (great for JVx) and so it was perfect for our tests. Our plan was to create a simple JVx application and run it in the cloud.

The IDE supports some project types and all are based on Maven because the build system uses Maven. It's possible to use preconfigured runtime platforms like Cloudbees. One problem is that it's not possible to create a project from scratch and add a target later. You must choose your target during project creation. Another problem is that it's not possible to use runtime platforms with Multi-module maven projects.

We decided to use the integrated runtime platform and didn't use another runtime platform. Not perfect but was OK for our tests.

We created a Multi-module Maven project and configured our modules. This was very easy with the IDE and build worked like a charm. Other problems were different restrictions dependent on your project type. It is not possible to Run a Multi-module maven project. It's possible to change the project type via properties, but that's not a good solution because it was not designed for tweaking. The next strange thing was that the UI has a lot of reload problems (endless reloads) and you have to close and open your project(s) to get full UI features for your project. The Run menu was not updated automatically.

The biggest problem was that the build system didn't build our project as usual or known from desktop IDEs. We had to find out how it works to deploy our application. The right build order solved our deployment issues.

At the end the deployment worked and it was possible to develop with the cloud IDE. One really big problem was that the integrated Java Editor did not show problems or code completition for our project. It worked with different project types but not with ours.

The IDE was easy to use because of many restrictions and assumptions how development should be, but it's absolutely not comparable with current desktop IDEs. Not because of missing features, it's because of given structures (predefined structures are important but sometimes they must be changeable).

At the end of our experiment, we had a working JVx application - developed in the cloud and deployed in the cloud.
Our project is available on github with some installation and usage instructions.

The result looks like:

JVx and Codenvy

JVx and Codenvy

JVx with Exchange Servers

The integration of Exchange servers is or could be very important for ERP applications. If you use Exchange to manage your contacts, appointments, task, etc. wouldn't it be great to manage or integrate your data in your application(s), directly without copying?

The problem is not the integration in your application, the problem is how you get data from your Exchange server. There are some commercial Java products available but you don't need commercial products since Microsoft offers EWS Java API. The API is very simple and communicates via SOAP to your Exchange server. The documentation is good for a quick start but you have to read source code if you want to know some details.

We made it simple for your JVx applications to integrate an Exchange server, because we did implement storages for Contacts and Contact folders (more will follow). With our storages it's a breeze to enrich your application. Create a storage in your life-cycle object like all other storages:

public IStorage getContacts() throws Exception
        ContactsStorage contacts = (ContactsStorage)get("contacts");
        if (contacts == null)
                contacts = new ContactsStorage();
                put("contacts", contacts);
        return contacts;

That's enough to read and write contacts.

If you work with contact folders, simply use our storage for it:

public IStorage getFolders() throws Exception
        ContactsFolderStorage folders = (ContactsFolderStorage)get("folders");
        if (folders == null)
                folders = new ContactsFolderStorage();
                put("folders", folders);
        return folders;

Our storages support load-on-demand and filtering via Exchange functionality. The folder storage supports shared folders!

It's straight forward to create a master/detail relation between folders and contacts. We developed a simple sample application.

Exchange Contact Management

Exchange Contact Management

And the best for last: Our storages are licensed under Apache 2.0.

The source code is available in our new project: JVx Storages.

A "thank you" from our customer

CEGH, SIB Visions

CEGH, SIB Visions

  We work hard for our customers and we do our best to be as professional as possible. But how do you know if your customers are really happy?

The best way is direct feedback from your customers, but that is not self-convident.

We are very happy that one of our customers has given us extremly direct feedback and we want to share this feedback with you.

Just enjoy.

(Text: Thanks to the excellent support of SIB Visions GmbH, the launch of the new gas market model on 01.01.2013 could be successfully realized. Central European Gas Hub - the board)

JVx Maven Archetype project

If you want to know how we created our Maven Archetype for JVx, simply check the source code. The project is Open Source and licensed under Apache 2.0.

The project contains a simple ANT build with two important targets. The first is start.complete. This target creates the archetype archive and deploys it to our sonatype repository. The second target is start.recreate. This target is very cool because it cleans the archetype project (mvn clean), installs the archetype in your local repository (mvn install) and creates a new project based on the installed archetype (mvn archetype:generate).

Usually, you have to use scripts, the command-line or external tools to do all your tests. We automated the whole process. Our build uses the maven integration for ant.

The integration tasks were a little bit strange but after some tests we made it working. The trick was that the build.xml and pom.xml files must be stored in separate folders. Otherwise project creation based on an archetype didn't work.

JVx' Maven Archetype

JVx is available in all public Maven repositories and we added a JVx Application Archetype that creates the whole project structure for you. Use our archetype and you'll get a full configured JVx' Application - in few seconds.

The archetype:

  GroupId   com.sibvisions.jvx
  ArtifactId   jvxapplication-archetype
  Version   1.1.5

Use your preferred IDE to create your JVx project. The archetype will create 4 new Maven projects. The first project is the master project. It references 3 modules. The first module is the client, the second one is the server and the third one is a war module.

The client module/project contains all UI relevant classes like Application and Screens. The server module/project contains the business logic of your application. The war module/project creates a full functional web application archive (war) and allows you to publish your application with Eclipse WTP.

The client project contains a preconfigured JVx Application with one simple work-screen. It contains the class MainApplication which contains a main method. Simply start MainApplication and login with username (admin) and password (admin). The application doesn't need a database because it uses a XmlSecurityManager and an AbstractMemStorage. It only is an example application and not for production use!

Use the war project to create deployable war files. We've used it successfully with e.g. Tomcat. After deployment, simply open the application URL - http://localhost/firstapp - (replace firstapp with your application name) and login. The application is also available via JNLP - http://localhost/firstapp/application.jnlp.

If you want to test your desktop application with your application server, e.g. Tomcat with Eclipse WTP, simply change the connection in your application. The default connection is a DirectServerConnection. This means that client and server run in the same VM. If you change the connection to HttpConnection, a remote server will be used. An example is available in the application source code.

The JVx Application Archetype creates a full functional 3tier application. It's preconfigured to run as desktop application and with an application server like Tomcat. Don't think about project creation and directory conventions. It simply works!

Have a look at an example project:

Standard application

Standard application

Eclipse projects

Eclipse projects

Watch following video to see how it works:

JVx' Maven Archetype

Dynamically set css' with Vaadin 7

Have you ever tried to add/remove/change style sheets of Vaadin components dynamically, without css file modification? We didn't find suitable methods in Vaadin' standard components.

We miss methods like

setStyle("margins: 2px;");
addStyle("padding-left: 5px;");
removeStyle("padding-left: 5px;");

in Vaadin. It's very easy to change style sheets with css files that are included in your project(s), but if you need a little bit more control... or must create dynamic applications - it's not possible out-of-the-box.

I'm not sure why there are no such methods, because GWT has all of them?

But no worries, with Vaadin 7 it's easy to add support for CSS manipulation. Simply use UI Extensions.

You'll find our CssExtension in our Vaadin UI project.

JVx with Maven

We're pleased to announce that JVx is available in the public maven repositories.

Use following dependency in your pom.xml:


for your server project and following dependency:


for your client project.
The differences between jvxclient and jvxall are: The client does not contain server classes and is about 200Kb smaller.

JVx EE 1.0.1 is out

What is JVx EE?

It is a small library that allows you to create backend applications for your frontends. Simply re-use your existing domain model and create a JVx application that uses a domain model instead of direct database connections.

It's licensed under Apache 2.0 and is available here.

What's new?

We reviewed the code and fixed some smaller bugs. We added an example application that shows how it works.

A short example

public EntityManager getEntityManager() throws Exception
    EntityManager em = (EntityManager)get("entityManager");
    if (em == null)
        EntityManagerFactory emf = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("jvxee");  
        em = emf.createEntityManager();
        put("entityManager", em);
    return em;

public IStorage getCustomer() throws Exception
    JPAStorage jpaCustomer = (JPAStorage)get("customer");

    if (jpaCustomer == null)
        EntityManager em = getEntityManager();
        jpaCustomer = new JPAStorage(Customer.class);
        CustomerEAO customerEAO = new CustomerEAO();
        put("customer", jpaCustomer);
    return jpaCustomer;

public IStorage getCustomerEducation() throws Exception
    JPAStorage jpaCustomerEducation = (JPAStorage)get("customerEducation");
    if (jpaCustomerEducation == null)
        jpaCustomerEducation = new JPAStorage(Customer.class);
        put("customerEducation", jpaCustomerEducation);
    return jpaCustomerEducation;

JVx 1.1 is available

Yesterday, we released a brand new version of JVx. The version number is now 1.1. We had some delays between 1.0 and 1.1 because we decided to do more researching as we originally planned. The 1.0 release was too stable and full featured because we only got positive feedback and some feature requests. Our product VisionX also uses JVx 1.0 and our customers had absolutely no problems.

Last year, we decided to open our nightly builds for everyone and because of our high quality standards, we had a new release every day. Some versions were broken but most versions were ready for production use. Of course, a nightly build is not an official release.

But now you are able to use the latest version of JVx as an official release and of course we offer full support.

We have a bunch of new features and smaller bugfixes. Many changes are related to other open source frameworks because we researched a lot of interesting libraries and frameworks. The famous ones are Javeleon and Vert.x.

So, what happened with JVx since 1.0?

  • Improved REST support for all server-side life-cycle objects. It's possible to call actions and to access data (CRUD and metadata). The REST interface is using the same APIs and the same security settings as your web or desktop application. If you're using JVx, it's a task of 1 minute to bind external html5 clients.
    It's very easy to provide custom data for your customers, e.g. create a view in your database, use existing DAOs or dynamically create reports. You'll need about 5 minutes to provide new functionality.

  • Full support for Vert.x

    We successfully used Vert.x http and socket server instead of Tomcat or JBoss. Simply use your existing applications and integrate them in your Vert.x environment. Don't change your application, simply use another technology.
    Simply use Vert.x event bus for asynchronous and live messages.

  • Execute database procedures and functions like Java functions. Don't write many LoC for database access. We now offer input and output parameters as known from direct JDBC calls. We didn't reinvent the wheel but made JDBC a little bit easier to use.

    Standard JDBC procedure call:

    // Standard IN-OUT Parameter Test with plain JDBC
    Connection con = dba.getConnection();

    CallableStatement cstmt = con.prepareCall("{ call EXECPROCEDURE(?, ?, ?) }");
    cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.DECIMAL);
    cstmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR);

    cstmt.setObject(1, BigDecimal.valueOf(1), Types.DECIMAL);
    cstmt.setObject(2, "ABC", Types.VARCHAR);

    Same procedure call with JVx:

    OutParam ouTextParam = new OutParam(InOutParam.SQLTYPE_VARCHAR);
    InOutParam ioNumberParam = new InOutParam(InOutParam.SQLTYPE_DECIMAL,
    dba.executeProcedure("execProcedure", ioNumberParam, "ABC", ouTextParam);

    The Oracle procedure:

                                              pInText IN VARCHAR2,
                                              pOutText OUT VARCHAR2) IS
      nr NUMBER := pNumber;
      pOutText := 'Out: '|| pOutText ||' In: '|| pInText;

      pNumber := pNumber + pNumber;
    END execProcedure;

  • Custom UI factories

    It's now fully supportet that you create your own UI factories or extend existing factories. A JVx application will use your custom factory. This allows replacement of single standard components with your own components or simply integrate new components in your application.

  • Oracle Forms integration

    The whole framework was successfully integrated in Oracle Forms applications. A JVx application or a single screen interacts with Forms like standard Forms screens. It's now possible to use modern UI elements in your Forms application without changing or migrating the whole application. We use both technologies and that boosts development time.

  • Full NTLMv2 authentication support

    We had support for NTLMv1 in JVx 1.0 and earlier, but with modern Windows OS' you had to set a registry key to force NTLMv1 because the OS' used NTLMv2. We now support modern Windows versions (Vista, Win7, Win8) out-of-the-box.

  • JVx is ready for Embedded devices

    We made some experiments with embedded Hardware like RaspberryPi or Beagleboard. We always used JVx for our applications and JVx 1.1 works without problems. If you're interested in our experiments, check our Videos on YouTube.

  • Pimped standard Save file dialog to ask for override existing files
  • Prepared JVx for

The complete changelog is available here.