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EPlug 1.2.0

Great news for everyone who uses, or plans to use our Eclipse plugin called EPlug, a new versionĀ  is available! Version 1.2.0 brings a whole truckload of new features and bug fixes.

Changes (Pro and VisionX)

  • Completion for resources is now more reliable
  • Sped up the time it takes for VisionX to reload a file if a change was made in Eclipse
  • MetaData changes are now properly handled
  • When selecting from VisionX to Eclipse it will be made sure that the server and client class both show up
  • Added the "Checkl File (EPlug)" command, which allows to easily re-run all checks on the current file
  • The hyperlinks for server calls/actions are now "fuzzy", which means that if there is no function with that signature, the next best function will be the target
  • Improved the error messages if there was a problem when checking databooks
  • Added completion for generic resources, which means you now can get completion for any resource in your project
  • The call to UIImage.getImage(String) is now checked at compile time if the resource exists
  • By default, databooks are now checked while you're typing for instant feedback. This can be disabled in the project properties
  • Added a view that displays all databooks in the current file, including column name and type
  • Added support for the constructor of UIEditor
  • Dramatically increased the speed of compile time checks

Eclipse Mars

Also we have tested and developed EPlug with Eclipse Mars, which means that you can use it in the latest and greatest Eclipse release version. Of course we haven't dropped support for older versions, EPlug should continue to work even on Eclipse Juno.


You can install EPlug directly from the Eclipse Marketplace.

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