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VaadinUI 1.0 with JVx Archetype

If you want to use VaadinUI 1.0 with your maven project it's not an easy task because VaadinUI is not available via maven repositories - right now. But I want to show you an easy way to use VaadinUI 1.0 together with JVx Archetype 1.2.0.

Simply create a new maven project (my IDE is Eclipse) based on JVx Archetype 1.2.0. This archetype references JVx 1.2. Older versions are not compatible with Vaadin UI 1.0 - because of new features in JVx' launcher interface. In order to use Vaadin for JVx applications, add following dependencies to the pom.xml of your server project:


Set the global property in parent project pom.xml:


Because Vaadin runs on server-side, our client has to be deployed on server-side as well. Change pom.xml of your war project:


This is not a perfect solution because jvxclient.jar will be added. This lib is not necessary because jvxall.jar is already available - but also not a problem!

The last step is the integration of JVx' VaadinUI. There are many solutions to integrate external libraries but maven is not a friend of external libraries. Using system scrope is evil and such libraries won't be added to war files. Deploying external jars to a local maven repository works but why should we do that? I did decide to use sort of a local maven repository placed in my project with following file structure in my server project:


The integration in pom.xml of server project:

    <name>External libs</name>

Finally we need additional dependencies (server project):


The last integration step is the modification of web.xml in our war project:

<!-- Vaadin UI -->


That's it.

Use the war project together with an application server in Eclipse and enter http://localhost/myproject/vaadinui/ in a web browser to start your application with VaadinUI - with debugging support. Create a war file, deploy it and it will work without problems.