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JVx 2.1 is in da house

Happy birthday :) JVx is 2.1

It's another great release today and ~ 6 month after 2.0. We have soo many cool features for you and of course some bugfixes.
The complete changelog is available on our sourceforge project site.

I want to highlight some features for you

  • Configuration via JNDI or Classpath

    It's now possible to have custom configuration files without our recommended directory structure. We still recommend our structure for multi-application deployments, but it's not important for single deployments or complex enterprise deployments. Find more details about loading strategy in the corresponding ticket #1126.

  • Server-side plugin support

    We introduced IServerPlugin. It allows adding plugins and changing server handling on demand. It's easy to write custom protocol recorder or configure session management via plugin.

  • ServerContext and HttpContext

    We introduced HttpContext and ServerContext. The HttpContext allows live access to servlet request and response (if an application server is in use). It makes no difference if you use REST or standard communication. We set the right instances into the context and your application will work without specific technology checks. We also use HttpContext for

    The ServerContext is comparable with SessionContext, but it's earlier in the execution process, because it offers access to sessions directly after creation or detection. It's useful for e.g. plugins.

  • Tab/Focus Index

    We introduced set/getTabIndex in IComponent. This API change allows user-defined component navigation via tabulator or Enter key.

  • CommunicationException details

    It's now possible to find out the connection which throwed a CommunicationException.

  • Alignment for IEditor (API change)

    It's now possible to set the alignment on IEditors instead of the cell editors. Small but very useful API change.

  • Autolink with storages

    It's now possible to create automatic link references with other storage. We had this feature already in 2.0 but only for simple storages without conditions - only from clause was used. Now it's possible to configure custom storages with user-defined sort in the same LCO and set this storages as automatic link reference to other storages in the same LCO.

  • Server side bean processing boost

    We change and improved server side bean handling of our AbstractStorage. Here are some numbers for you:

    ....................... Before | After

    Insert Object[] ... Beans: 200 |   0
    Update Bean ....... Beans: 900 | 200
    Update T .......... Beans: 900 | 400
    Fetch Bean ........ Beans: 600 | 200
    Fetch Object[] .... Beans: 300 |   0
    Update Object[] ... Beans: 500 |   0
    Insert Bean ....... Beans: 400 | 100
    Delete Object[] ... Beans: 300 |   0
    Delete Bean ....... Beans: 600 | 200
    Delete T .......... Beans: 600 | 300
    Insert T .......... Beans: 400 | 200

    Created Beans after processing 100 records.
    The current solution is a performance boost and using Object[] is always faster than everything else.

  • Lazy blob loading

    We don't load Blobs immediate. We load it on request. This doesn't need any actions on client side but be aware of server-side handling because the value of a blob column will be RemoteFileHandle instead of byte[]. You should run your unit tests for your business logic. It's possible to disable lazy fetching, per storage with


    It's also possible to define the threshold for loading immediate or loading lazy. Check


    of DBAccess.

    This is an awesome new feature because is speeds up data transfer.

  • Custom UI properties

    UIResource got:

    public Object getObject(String pObjectName)
    public Object putObject(String pObjectName, Object pObject)

    It's possible to add custom objects per UI instance, e.g. save custom states.

  • REST services refactored

    We refactored our REST services. The implementation now works without problems and is easier to use becasue we don't need full qualified java names in the URL. We try to find the class via accesscontroller. The accesscontroller got a new method for this.

  • Unique component names

    For all lovers of automated UI tests. We have unique names for all our components. It's easy to create GUI tests with tools like Selenium (web tests) or FEST (swing tests) or whatever you use :)

We have about 107 tickets in this release and it's not possible to explain every change in this blog posting, but be sure - it's great!

The Maven archetype should be available in the next few days, because sonatype archetype listings are not live.

VaadinUI 1.2 released

Our VaadinUI 1.2 is available!
It's a feature release with some bugfixes.

The biggest change was the update to vaadin 7.1.15 and we've already 7.3.3 in our development branch (welcome Valo theme).

What's new?

  • Download extension

    Download dynamic content on-demand or whenever you want via WebSockets. More information and an example project for this extension.

  • Configuration of preserveOnUIRefresh

    Simply use preserveOnRefresh as init-param (true | false) in your web.xml or as URL parameter to preserve the application on browser refresh.

  • Use external CSS

    Use an external CSS file to configure your application style. There's no need to change genereated styles.css for simple tasks. Simply configure the init-param externalCss, e.g.


    Place the demoapp.css in the root directory of your application (not application server ROOT).

    The css will be placed at the end of the stylesheet links in the generated index.html page.

  • Mobile check

    We check if the UI is running on mobile browsers and set parameters for your application: (= VaadinUI.PROP_MOBILE) and for iPad at the moment) (= VaadinUI.PROP_TABLET). Simply check the parameter in your application.

  • Cache for dynamic images

    If you use images from your classpath, vaadin generates internal URLs for you. This URLs are different per image and the browser cache doesn't work. This handling produces unnecessary requests. We solved the problem with an image cache on server side and custom Image resources. With this changes, the browser cache works as expected.

  • IDs for menu items

    We have an experimental solution for setting IDs on menu items. It's experimental because it's possible that vaadin implements support for that. In that case we won't need our solution anymore. But till then, it works. More information...

  • Responsive support

    It's now possible to register a resize event on the application launcher. Use this event to change your application on-demand. We have some impressions for you.

  • Self-contained packages for Portlets

    We have built-in support for self-contained portlets. It's possible to toggle between global and self-contained mode. Simply set the init-param vaadin.shared (true | false) in your web.xml to use vaadin shared from your application server or the self-contained vaadin.

    General information about self-contained packages.

  • invokeLater and WebSockets

    We've completely changed our invokeLater mechanism because it didn't work in previous versions.

Please check the changelog for a complete list.