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RaspberryPi, Jetty, Vaadin & Push support

I wrote in a previous article about my problems with Jetty and Vaadin push support.

I found the problem in the meantime and Jetty works well on my Raspi. The performance is a little bit better than with Tomcat 8.

What was the problem?

Vaadin 7.1 push implementation was incompatible with Jetty 9.2.6. I had to use Jetty 9.0.7.

I didn't use Jetty as embedded server, it runs standalone via bin/ It was a little bit tricky to add an external lib to the classpatch because the commandline argument changed from 9.0 to 9.2.

I had to add following to my

export JETTY_HOME="/opt/jetty/"
export JETTY_BASE="/opt/jetty/"
export JAVA="/opt/java/bin/java"
export JETTY_ARGS="--module=websocket --module=continuation path=/usr/share/java/RXTXcomm.jar"

With 9.2:

export JETTY_ARGS="--module=websocket --module=continuation --lib=/usr/share/java/RXTXcomm.jar"

You have to know the pitfalls :)

It seems that Vaadin' websocket implementation for Jetty is better than for Tomcat because Vaadin handles multiple rotate/resize events faster with less communication. I know that Vaadin 7.3 has a better websocket implementation and it's also up-to-date and should work with Jetty 9.2.6, but I still use Vaadin 7.1.

I recommend Jetty for your embedded project because it's fast and simple. If you prefer Tomcat, you can't do anything wrong.

Oh... I also solved the problem with missing request from / to /index.html. The redirection won't work if you don't have a file with the name index.html in your public web area because Jetty does nothing in that case. I didn't find an option for that, but creating an empty index.html solved my problem because I had a Servlet which was listening on /index.html.