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Category: Release notes

toPDF 1.2 is available

Our Open Source PDF converter (toPDF) server is available in version 1.3

It contains some smaller bugfixes and very useful new features.

What's new?

  • BCL easyPDF SDK 8.0 support

    Convert via native Java API or COM interface. We've introduced EasyPdfNativeOperator which is now the default operator for PDF conversion.

  • Bookmark option

    This option creates bookmarks in your PDF document for headlines/sections in Word. Simply set the X-BOOKMARKS header parameter or use the REST API.

  • Additional attributes

    Set additional attributes for the conversion to PDF via Request parameters or REST API.

Get the current version from the project site ;-)

EPlug 1.2.6

We're happy to announce the release of EPlug 1.2.6. Again this small version bump does not only yield important bug fixes, but also new features which will make your life a lot easier.


This release includes bug fixes along with new features. One of the most notable problems fixed was that compile time checks might not be run if the communication with VisionX was active.

Cleaner context menu with more actions

We have restructured our approach to the context menu entries and introduced a new menu item which holds all EPlug related actions:

New context menu

As you can see we've also added new actions to jump to the configuration files.

Resources outside of source folders

We do support autocompletion and compile time checks for resources, like images. But we only supported resources inside of source folders, with this version we do now also support resources anywhere in the project.


Improved DataBook handling

DataBook handling has been improved once more. There are now additional checks which make sure that a RemoteDataBook receives the correct DataSource and there for if the MetaData can reliably be determined.

Additionally, the type of flag issued if no MetaData could be determined is now a configurable build option on the project.

New context menu

An example:

private void changeSomeValues(RemoteDataBook pDataBook)
    pDataBook.setValue("COLUMN_A", "A");
    pDataBook.setValue("COLUMN_B", "B");
    pDataBook.setValue("COLUMN_C", "C");

This would have been flagged as warning, because no MetaData could be determined for pDataBook. Now the check determines that determining MetaData for this DataBook is impossible and flags it accordingly. You can configure whether you want to see this flag or not in the project settings.

EPlug does also recognize if a "foreign" datasource has been set:

RemoteDataBook dataBookA = new RemoteDataBook();

RemoteDataBook dataBookB = new RemoteDataBook();

// This will be flagged as error.
dataBookA.setValue("NON_EXISTING", BigDecimal.ZERO);

// This will be flagged according to the settings.
dataBookB.setValue("NON_EXISTING", BigDecimal.ZERO);

Usernames for sessions

Last but not least, there is now a project setting which allows to set the username which is used by EPlug for the session it creates.

A little background, to acquire the MetaData (and some other information about the application) EPlug creates a session of the application and executes the server side code. It could be that projects do have checks and manipulations on the username somewhere in their code on the server. Previously EPlug would set null as username, but now it does either use the configured autologin username or the username configured in the project settings. That allows server side code which does operate on the username of the session to run without a problem, which means that there are no checks necessary if the session was initialized by EPlug or not.

How to get it?

Simply update EPlug via Eclipse!

JVx 2.6 is available

We're happy to announce that JVx 2.6 is available.

What's new?

  • Configuration via ServiceLoader

    It's now possible to use the ServiceLoader to configure an application (IApplicationSetup). It's enough to add a library to the classpath. It's not needed to extend anything.

  • Save bounds

    The Swing launcher now restores last frame bounds. The size and position of your application will be automatically saved and restored after an application restart. This feature takes care of multi monitor environments.

  • Better XmlNode API
    public XmlNode get(int pIndex)
    public XmlNode getFirstTextNode() // Getting the root node in xml file
    public void addAll(Collection<XmlNode> pNodes)
    public void insertAll(int pIndex, Collection<XmlNode> pNodes)
    public void setNodes(List<XmlNode> pNodes) // replaces setSubNodes
    public List<XmlNode> getNodes() // gets sub nodes never null and readonly
    public List<XmlNode> getNodes(short pType) // Gets sub nodes of given type
    public XmlNode remove(int pIndex)
  • Session states

    It's now possible to detect whether a session is initializing or destroying/expiring.

  • Message class improvements

    Simple support for Yes, No, Cancel messages.

  • preAuthentication support

    It's now possible to configure your sessions before authenticating without custom security managers.

  • BFILE and lazy loading

    New support for BFILE database columns and improved lazy loading mechanism.

  • Many Bugfixes

The full changelog is available here.

VisionX 2.4 is here

VisionX 2.4 was released yesterday! It's the biggest update since 1.5. We've spent more time for developing and testing than ever before. The new version has power under the hood. It contains everything which is needed to customize VisionX for your needs. It's possible to create your own VisionX. We have a great set of AddOns which will improve the quality of your applications and some very useful new Features.

What's new?

  • HTML5 Live Reload

    It's now possible to update the application in the browser automatically after design changes. The live preview wizard got a new option for this feature:

    Live reload option

    Live reload option

  • One-click HTML5 live preview

    The application menu got a new icon. A single click is enough to show the application in the web browser.

    One-click live preview

    One-click live preview

  • VisionX Menu

    The VisionX menu in the application has two new items:

    VisionX application menu

    VisionX application menu

    The modules screen is a complete new feature and the Live preview is now available without leaving the application.

  • Module management

    It's now possible to manage application modules. Simply install a module from the solution store or create your own re-usable application modules. The installation is super easy with our new modules screen:

    Super easy module installation

    Super easy module installation

  • Data Links

    The Designer got a new group with the name Data Links:

    Data Links

    Data Links

    All elements in the Data Links group depend on data and will update the shown value automatically on data changes.

    • The Label Control will show the current value of a specific column, as Label instead of an Editor.
    • The Selection Button will show a popup with possible values for a specific column.
    • The Filter Control requires the Profiles AddOn and allows an application user to apply and save custom filter settings, e.g. filter custom columns
  • Application frame automatically saves the last position and your application will be shown at the same position after a restart.

    The Profiles AddOn makes it possible to save also the frames within the application. Your users will love it because they can save their own desktop and continue the work after an application start.

  • Remove HTML5

    It's possible to create smaller application bundles if you remove the HTML5 feature from the bundle, via Deployment Wizard:

    Remove HTML5

    Remove HTML5

  • Customize screen generators

    It's super easy to use your own screen generators:

    Custom screen generators

    Custom screen generators

  • Multiple storages with same database table

    It's now possible to add multiple storages for the same database table. This was a limitation in earlier versions of VisionX.

All customers will find the new version in their download area!

EPlug 1.2.5

We're happy to announce the release of EPlug 1.2.5. Even though the change in the version number is quite small, the changes which have gone into this version are very interesting.

Better hover information and improved DataBookView

The biggest visual change in this new version is the new hover information for columns:

New hover information

New hover information

As you can see it has been vastly extended, with nearly all information about the column which you might want to know about, including its type, the label and all other properties.

Also the image preview is now more useful and is displaying the complete image but scaled to fit the hover:

New hover information

Additionally the DataBookView has been restructured to display the information in a more easily digestible way, structured by variable name and source of the columns:

Improved DataBookView

Improved DataBook support

The support for DataBooks/DataRows has been greatly improved and the plugin does now support a lot more variations on how to achieve the metadata. For example cloning of ColumnDefinitions, assigning of RowDefinitions and even getDataRow(...) and similar methods are now processed to acquire the metadata and column information.

Objects in server calls

One of the build-time checks is the type-check of parameters in server calls. Let's look at a simple example:

// Server side
public void serverSideAction(ActionType pActionType, String pLogMessage, BigDecimal pId);

// Client side
    "Some message which will be logged",

While this compiles completely fine in pure Java (because callAction(...) does accept an Object vararg), EPlug would flag it with an error because getValue(...) returns an Object but the server-side expects a BigDecimal. With this update there is now a build option available in the Project/EPlug settings to ignore such errors, allowing to pass Objects to the server side without checks.

Misspelled a column name? No problem!

We do now offer QuickFixes for column names with typos:

Column name QuickFixes

Automatic check of complement files

There is now a new build option in the Project/EPlug settings which allows to enable the automatic check of complement files. A "complement" file is simply the "other side", for example for the lifecycle-object the complement file is the workscreen, and vice versa. That means that now workscreens are automatically checked if the lifecycle object changes.

Preliminary String array support

There are various functions which do accept a String array of column names, for example getValues(...). Because of limitations coming up from the JDT infrastructure which we are using, we've been unable to provide autocompletion for column names in such circumstances:

dataBook.getValues(new String[] { "|

We are still unable to determine the exact databook in such circumstances, but we do now simply provide all columns as completion suggestions. What we can do is provide full hover and build support for these functions.

Improved VisionX/EPlug communication

VisionX is now a lot more talkative, it informs EPlug about file changes. If "Auto Reload" is enabled in EPlug, all files that have been changed by VisionX will now be reloaded and checked automatically. The same accounts for changed metadata.


  • Updated JVx version
  • Cached MetaData is now correctly invalidated and refreshed
  • DataBookView is now not constantly refreshed
  • Markers (Errors, Warnings) are now only placed on the names of the columns, instead of the whole statement
  • Inserted methods (from quick fixes) should now always be correctly formed
  • Fixed "phantom" markers which could pop up during build
  • Fixed that the DataBookView might not display all metadata
  • Fixed that folding nodes in the DataBookView made the child-nodes vanish
  • Various bug fixes

Simply update EPlug via Eclipse!

JVx 2.5.1 is available

We're happy to announce that JVx 2.5.1 is available.

What's new?

  • Push-light

    Our push support has nothing to do with Websockets. It's a technology independent solution for JVx. The Push-light mechanism is available on server-side and enables you to send objects from the server to the client. If you use a direct connection betwenn client and server, the objects wil be sent immediate (e.g. vaadin UI). If you use a serialized connection, the objects will be sent with next client call or alive check.

    The API is simple:

    SessionContext.publishCallBackResult("MESSAGE", "Please logout!");

    or, in a Thread

    final ICallBackBroker broker = SessionContext.getCurrentInstance().getCallBackBroker();

    Thread th = new Thread(new Runnable()
        public void run()
                int i = 0;

                while (isMessageLoopEnabled(i))
                    broker.publish("MESSAGE", getMessage(i++));
            catch (InterruptedException ie)

    It's also possible to publish to all clients, via ICallBackBroker.

    The client code is short and simple:

    connection.addCallBackResultListener(new ICallBackResultListener()
        public void callBackResult(CallBackResultEvent pEvent)
            if ("MESSAGE".equals(pEvent.getInstruction()))

    More details: Tickets #25, #1635

  • H2 DB support

    We support H2 with a custom H2DBAccess. The auto detection works with URLs: jdbc:h2:.

  • SQLite DB support

    We support SQLite with a custom SQLiteDBAccess. The auto detection works with URLs: jdbc:sqlite:.

  • MySql limit support


  • Life-cylcle object method inheritance
  • Pie control
  • Set individual cells of a table readonly
  • Connection retries

    We try to re-send requests, if errors occur during transmission. This feature will be available for serialized connections only.

  • Security improvements

    see Tickets: #1605, #1606, #630.

  • Session validator

    We introduced ISessionValidator interface. It allows you to cancel the session after successful authentication. You don't need a custom security manager for this!
    Simply configure the validator in your config.xml:

      <mastersession postAuthClass="com.sibvisions.apps.server.MySessionValidator">
  • API changes

    ICellFormat got a Style attribute and the createCellFormat of IFactory got one more parameter.

The full changelog is available here.

VisionX 2.3 Update Release

The current update release of VisionX 2.3.235 is available for our customers or as trial.
It's a smaller update release with some nice features:

  • VisionX listener

    It's now possible to get events of VisionX in you custom AddOns or Modules.

  • Guides

    VisionX got Guides (Read more...). The feature is still in a test phase.

  • Synonyms pointing to a view

    The Data Edit wizard supports synonyms pointing to a view. But be careful, because automatic metadata detection is limited in that case.

  • Lib update

    All libs (JVx, ProjX, VaadinApps, ...) were updated to their latest versions.

The rest are fixes for smaller bugs (most are only relevant for developers):

  • Support for BooleanDataType
  • Help creation works if you didn't set a group label
  • Designer view doesn't toggle the width while dragging
  • Better variable naming for DBStorage types

Have fun with VisionX 2.3.235.

EPlug 1.2.4 is available

Our Eclipse plugin for JVx and VisionX is available as version 1.2.4.
It's a small bugfix release.


  • Proxy support (tests)

    Some customers had problems with http(s) proxies and our trial activation. We made extended tests with (win/linux) proxies and didn't find any problems. We reduced the communication timeout because it was too long. Please send us your feedback.

  • Additional checks for client/server code mixing

    It might be a problem if you use a server class (src.server) in your client classes (src.client). This depends on the deployment mode (Web, Desktop, ...), but it's better to separate client and server code. The new check can be dis/enabled but it checks by default if your client has direct server references.

  • Using Metadata independent of AbstractCachedStorage

    It's now possible to use column name autocompletion, even if the storage isn't an instance of "AbstractCachedStorage".

Simply update EPlug via Eclipse or jump to the info page.

VisionX 2.3 - Feb, 5th

The next version of our flagship VisionX will be available tomorrow - Feb 5th, 2016. The version number is nice because 2 could be the month and 2+3 = 5 :)

We invest more time/resources/work than ever before in this version. It has many new features and great improvements. All included open source libraries were updated and offer additional features because not all available library features/APIs are covered by VisionX.

So what's new?

  • Vaadin 7.5.7

    The open source project JVx Vaadin UI was updated to Vaadin 7.5.7 and the UI implementation got many performance tunings. It's now significant faster than before - up to 5 times faster. The performance boost depends on your UIs because it makes no difference if you only have two input fields in your screen. But if you have large screens with Tabs and many input fields, it will rock. The API got support for FontAwesome and Vaadin font icons.

  • HTML5 Live Preview

    The live preview now supports an external CSS file. It's super easy to change the style of your application while creating it with VisionX.

  • HTML5 Live Reload

    This feature automatically reloads changed screens in the browser after you've changed it with VisionX. Simply use add URL Parameter liveReload=true. This features save click time and is great if you have multiple screens conntected to your workstation.

  • Responsive coporation layout

    Our corporation application layout is now responsive and fully customizable.

    full mode

    full mode

    small mode

    small mode

    mini mode

    mini mode

    mini mode (menu)

    mini mode (menu)

    Use the API to show/hide the menubar or the sidebar. Add custom or remove default buttons.

  • Support for custom code format rules

    It's possible to use your custom code formatting rules. The rules are based on Eclipse Code Formatter and all Eclipse (Luna) options will work with Eclipse.

  • Morph Panel improvements

    The Morph Panel is a one-for-all solution. It was introduced in VisionX 2.2. We improved the popup mode, e.g. if you double click the table, the popup will be opened if you don't use the navigation. We added more APIs for power users.

  • No more automatic database changes

    VisionX doesn't change the database objects automatically. It's your decision:

    Modify fields

    Modify fields

    Delete screen

    Delete screen

  • Java 8 u60

    VisionX runs with Java8 update 60.

  • Action editor automatic scrolling

    The action editor now automatically scrolls to the input field if it's not visible. It's not a big thing but creates great UX.

  • Automatic import organisation

    VisionX automatically removes unused imports from the source files. This is an optional feature and can be disabled.

  • Single line javadoc for fields

    The Javadoc for fields will be written in a single line (if possible). This feature is optional an can be disabled.

  • Better customizing support

    VisionX changed the class loading mechanism of customizers and controls. It'll be possible to use your custom controls without any tricks. It's possible to customize VisionX for your needs.

  • Mobile application creation (optional AddOn needed)

    This feature is awesome because it makes it be possible to create a mobile app from your application in under 5 minutes.

    JavaFX mobile LIVE CSS hacking

  • Additional licensing options

    User based, Subscription based, Floating, individual.

    Please contact our Sales Team for more details.

All customers will find the new version in their download area!

Release day - Merry Christmas

Yesterday, we've released JVx 2.4, VaadinUI 1.4, HeadlessUI 1.1 and JVx vert.x 3.0.

Headless UI and JVx vert.x are maintenance updates because of JVx changes. JVx 2.4 is a bugfix release with some new cool features and VaadinUI is a performance tuning and bugfix release.

JVx and VaadinUI are available on Maven central. The other releases are hosted on SourceForge.

What's new in JVx 2.4?

  • Thread safety

    DataBook (MemDataBook, RemoteDataBook) are now Thread safe. It wasn't guaranteed before 2.4.

  • Support for Boolean and Arrays (Oracle)

    JVx' OracleDBAccess supports Boolean DataTypes via JDBC calls and Arrays as well. We wrapped the functionality in our existing API and it makes no difference for you. Arrays are wrapped as List of IBeans.

  • Parameter changed event in WorkScreen

    The WorkScreen class got a new event: eventParameterChanged. It enables notification about parameter changes.

  • New AbstractFactory

    We introduced AbstractFactory and changed all factory implementations. With AbstractFactory, it's possible to set custom factory properties. We use this new feature for vaadin UI. With new Vaadin UI it's possible to use the old Table or the new Grid implementation. Simply set a property for that.

  • API change: IFactory

    The invokeInThread method now returns the Thread instance.

  • FontAwesome support
  • Automatic Record translation

What's new in Vaadin 1.4?

  • Based on vaadin 7.5.7
  • FontIcon support
  • Grid support (experimental)

    Set the factory property: vaadin.component.legacy_table to true (via web.xml as init parameter or as URL parameter).

  • Lazy loading of LinkedCellEditor

    Before 1.4, all LinkedCellEditors were loaded immediate. This was a performance impact. With 1.4 this was changed and data will be loaded, when needed.

  • Performance tuning

    The performance is now about 5 times faster than before. We improved the performance because we reduced our CssExtension and reduced the database calls. You can feel the new performance :)

What's new in JVx vert.x 3.0?

It's based on Vert.x 3 and works with JVx 2.4.
(JVx vert.x is hosted on GitHub)

You can find all changes in the project Changelogs.
Happy coding!