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Category: Release notes

VisionX 2.3 Update Release

The current update release of VisionX 2.3.235 is available for our customers or as trial.
It's a smaller update release with some nice features:

  • VisionX listener

    It's now possible to get events of VisionX in you custom AddOns or Modules.

  • Guides

    VisionX got Guides (Read more...). The feature is still in a test phase.

  • Synonyms pointing to a view

    The Data Edit wizard supports synonyms pointing to a view. But be careful, because automatic metadata detection is limited in that case.

  • Lib update

    All libs (JVx, ProjX, VaadinApps, ...) were updated to their latest versions.

The rest are fixes for smaller bugs (most are only relevant for developers):

  • Support for BooleanDataType
  • Help creation works if you didn't set a group label
  • Designer view doesn't toggle the width while dragging
  • Better variable naming for DBStorage types

Have fun with VisionX 2.3.235.

EPlug 1.2.4 is available

Our Eclipse plugin for JVx and VisionX is available as version 1.2.4.
It's a small bugfix release.


  • Proxy support (tests)

    Some customers had problems with http(s) proxies and our trial activation. We made extended tests with (win/linux) proxies and didn't find any problems. We reduced the communication timeout because it was too long. Please send us your feedback.

  • Additional checks for client/server code mixing

    It might be a problem if you use a server class (src.server) in your client classes (src.client). This depends on the deployment mode (Web, Desktop, ...), but it's better to separate client and server code. The new check can be dis/enabled but it checks by default if your client has direct server references.

  • Using Metadata independent of AbstractCachedStorage

    It's now possible to use column name autocompletion, even if the storage isn't an instance of "AbstractCachedStorage".

Simply update EPlug via Eclipse or jump to the info page.

VisionX 2.3 - Feb, 5th

The next version of our flagship VisionX will be available tomorrow - Feb 5th, 2016. The version number is nice because 2 could be the month and 2+3 = 5 :)

We invest more time/resources/work than ever before in this version. It has many new features and great improvements. All included open source libraries were updated and offer additional features because not all available library features/APIs are covered by VisionX.

So what's new?

  • Vaadin 7.5.7

    The open source project JVx Vaadin UI was updated to Vaadin 7.5.7 and the UI implementation got many performance tunings. It's now significant faster than before - up to 5 times faster. The performance boost depends on your UIs because it makes no difference if you only have two input fields in your screen. But if you have large screens with Tabs and many input fields, it will rock. The API got support for FontAwesome and Vaadin font icons.

  • HTML5 Live Preview

    The live preview now supports an external CSS file. It's super easy to change the style of your application while creating it with VisionX.

  • HTML5 Live Reload

    This feature automatically reloads changed screens in the browser after you've changed it with VisionX. Simply use add URL Parameter liveReload=true. This features save click time and is great if you have multiple screens conntected to your workstation.

  • Responsive coporation layout

    Our corporation application layout is now responsive and fully customizable.

    full mode

    full mode

    small mode

    small mode

    mini mode

    mini mode

    mini mode (menu)

    mini mode (menu)

    Use the API to show/hide the menubar or the sidebar. Add custom or remove default buttons.

  • Support for custom code format rules

    It's possible to use your custom code formatting rules. The rules are based on Eclipse Code Formatter and all Eclipse (Luna) options will work with Eclipse.

  • Morph Panel improvements

    The Morph Panel is a one-for-all solution. It was introduced in VisionX 2.2. We improved the popup mode, e.g. if you double click the table, the popup will be opened if you don't use the navigation. We added more APIs for power users.

  • No more automatic database changes

    VisionX doesn't change the database objects automatically. It's your decision:

    Modify fields

    Modify fields

    Delete screen

    Delete screen

  • Java 8 u60

    VisionX runs with Java8 update 60.

  • Action editor automatic scrolling

    The action editor now automatically scrolls to the input field if it's not visible. It's not a big thing but creates great UX.

  • Automatic import organisation

    VisionX automatically removes unused imports from the source files. This is an optional feature and can be disabled.

  • Single line javadoc for fields

    The Javadoc for fields will be written in a single line (if possible). This feature is optional an can be disabled.

  • Better customizing support

    VisionX changed the class loading mechanism of customizers and controls. It'll be possible to use your custom controls without any tricks. It's possible to customize VisionX for your needs.

  • Mobile application creation (optional AddOn needed)

    This feature is awesome because it makes it be possible to create a mobile app from your application in under 5 minutes.

    JavaFX mobile LIVE CSS hacking

  • Additional licensing options

    User based, Subscription based, Floating, individual.

    Please contact our Sales Team for more details.

All customers will find the new version in their download area!

Release day - Merry Christmas

Yesterday, we've released JVx 2.4, VaadinUI 1.4, HeadlessUI 1.1 and JVx vert.x 3.0.

Headless UI and JVx vert.x are maintenance updates because of JVx changes. JVx 2.4 is a bugfix release with some new cool features and VaadinUI is a performance tuning and bugfix release.

JVx and VaadinUI are available on Maven central. The other releases are hosted on SourceForge.

What's new in JVx 2.4?

  • Thread safety

    DataBook (MemDataBook, RemoteDataBook) are now Thread safe. It wasn't guaranteed before 2.4.

  • Support for Boolean and Arrays (Oracle)

    JVx' OracleDBAccess supports Boolean DataTypes via JDBC calls and Arrays as well. We wrapped the functionality in our existing API and it makes no difference for you. Arrays are wrapped as List of IBeans.

  • Parameter changed event in WorkScreen

    The WorkScreen class got a new event: eventParameterChanged. It enables notification about parameter changes.

  • New AbstractFactory

    We introduced AbstractFactory and changed all factory implementations. With AbstractFactory, it's possible to set custom factory properties. We use this new feature for vaadin UI. With new Vaadin UI it's possible to use the old Table or the new Grid implementation. Simply set a property for that.

  • API change: IFactory

    The invokeInThread method now returns the Thread instance.

  • FontAwesome support
  • Automatic Record translation

What's new in Vaadin 1.4?

  • Based on vaadin 7.5.7
  • FontIcon support
  • Grid support (experimental)

    Set the factory property: vaadin.component.legacy_table to true (via web.xml as init parameter or as URL parameter).

  • Lazy loading of LinkedCellEditor

    Before 1.4, all LinkedCellEditors were loaded immediate. This was a performance impact. With 1.4 this was changed and data will be loaded, when needed.

  • Performance tuning

    The performance is now about 5 times faster than before. We improved the performance because we reduced our CssExtension and reduced the database calls. You can feel the new performance :)

What's new in JVx vert.x 3.0?

It's based on Vert.x 3 and works with JVx 2.4.
(JVx vert.x is hosted on GitHub)

You can find all changes in the project Changelogs.
Happy coding!

JVxEE 1.2

JVxEE version 1.2 is out!

The good news

JVxEE is now available from Maven central, that means that you can add it as dependency to your Maven projects:


The first of the two major changes are that we fixed possible exceptions that might be thrown by JPAStorage.getEstimatedRowCount(ICondition), it should now work under all situations.

The second change is the handling of foreign key columns. Previously, foreign key columns where named with the pattern "REFERENCEDTABLE_REFERENCEDCOLUMN", which can lead to collisions if there is more than one column referencing the same table and primary key. So it was possible that you would end up with two columns with the same name, which of course can't be handled by the storage and databook correctly. We devised a new naming scheme and from now on the foreign key columns are named with a combination of the referencing column and the referenced column.

An example:

@Entity public class A
    @Id private int id;
    private B source;
    private B target;
    // Getters/Setters

@Entity public class B
    @Id private int id;
    private String name;

    // Getters/Setters

With 1.1 the generated columns would look like this, for entity "A":

ID          BigDecimal
B_ID        BigDecimal
B_NAME      String
B_ID        BigDecimal
B_NAME      String

And with 1.2:

ID          BigDecimal
SOURCE_ID   BigDecimal
TARGET_ID   BigDecimal

This is definitely an improvement!

The bad news

There is always a downside :(

The changes in the foreign key column naming scheme, to avoid collisions, also mean that most foreign key columns do now have a different name. You'll have to check your code for usages of the now differently named columns.

But there is also an upside! With EPlug you will find those easily.

Usage example

JVxEE provides the possibility to utilize the Java Persistence API (JPA) as backend for storages and databooks. JPA is powered by POJOs, like these:

@Entity public class Aircraft
    private String country;
    private String description;
    @Id @OneToMany private String registrationNumber;

@Entity public class Airport
    @Id @OneToMany private String code;
    private String country;
    private String location;
    private String name;

@Entity public class Flight
    @OneToOne private Aircraft aircraft;
    private String airline;
    @OneToOne private Airport airportDestination;
    @OneToOne private Airport airportOrigin;
    @Id private String flightNumber;

This is an extremely simplified model for airline flights.

There is an aircraft that can be used, airports that can be flown to and from and the flight itself. Flight is referencing both, the aircraft and the airport. Now we only need to tell JPA about these classes by placing a persistence.xml in the META-INF directory, like this one that we use for our unit tests:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<persistence xmlns:xsi=""

             version="2.0" xmlns="">

  <persistence-unit name="test" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">

      <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver" />
      <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/db" />
      <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="sa" />
      <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="" />

      <property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation" value="drop-and-create-tables" />
      <property name="eclipselink.ddl-generation.output-mode" value="database" />
      <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINE"/>

(Sure, it's also possible without manual XML mapping)

Now all that is left is creating a new storage that uses the JPA:

EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("test");
EntityManager entityManager = entityManagerFactory.createEntityManager();

JPAStorage storage = new JPAStorage(Flight.class);

And that's it! From here on there is only JVx code.

JVx' Vaadin UI 1.3 is available

The next release of our JVx' vaadin UI is available. It's not a big update but an important one because vaadin was updated to 7.5.0 and we support CORS out-of-the-box. We also have some annotations for easier application deployment.

The best thing for most of you is that starting with 1.3 our vaadin UI can be found on maven central.

Simply add the dependency:


We also upload snaphsots of vaadin UI, starting with current 1.4 branch
Simply configure the repository:

    <name>Sonatype Snapshots</name>  

and use following dependency:


The release files are also available on SourceForge.

The complete Changelog.

VisionX 2.2 is out

What a day!
Our final release of VisionX 2.2 is out and it's the best piece Software we've ever released.

We worked very hard during the last 5 months to reach our goals and to make it happen. The new version brings many new productivity features and contains many bugfixes. The focus was and is still on end-users. But in VisionX 2.2, we have many new features for Software developers and Oracle Forms users as well. It depends on your license if you see more or less options.

So what's new? First, VisionX is compatible to Java 8 and can handle Lambda expressions without problems. This isn't relevant for end-users but for all developers. VisionX 2.2 still runs with Java 7 but it's no problem to switch the Java version to 8.

VisionX 2.2 has our brand new JavaFX UI integrated. If you have Java8, it'll be possible to start your applications as JavaFX applications or to export JavaFX standalone applications.

The new release is based on JVx 2.3.

So let's talk about Features

  • Java 8 support

    VisionX reads Java 8 syntax and if your project was set to target version 1.8, VisionX will create action listeners with lambda syntax. VisionX got new global configuration options:


    It's also possible to configure single applications via Eclipse settings, for Java 8. The configuration will be read from VisionX automatically.

  • Vaadin 7.5.0

    VisionX 2.2.403 includes our current vaadin UI and it's based on vaadin 7.5.0.

  • OpenShift

    VisionX supports application creation for OpenShift. You'll need a special license for this feature. The integration contains a new wizard and is available as new option in new application wizard.



    OpenShift - New application

    OpenShift - New application

  • Multi-IDE support

    VisionX 2.2.403 creates project files for Eclipse, NetBeans and IntelliJ. Simply open existing projects and start coding.

  • Config file encryption

    It's now possible to encrypt configuration files.

    Config encryption

    Config encryption

  • Corporation style

    VisionX applications have a new UI style for web mode. It's the corporation style for applications with many screens and big menus. Simply switch the style via VisionX.

    Corporation style

    Corporation style

  • Edit JDBC Url

    VisionX supports custom JDBC Urls (Developer feature). This feature could be relevant if you have an Oracle RAC or complex JDBC parameter.

    Edit JDBC Url

    Edit JDBC Url

  • JavaFX UI

    VisionX got support for JavaFX applications. Simply start the live preview or create a desktop JavaFX application in three clicks.

    JavaFX Live Preview

    JavaFX Live Preview

    JavaFX desktop application

    JavaFX desktop application

  • New deployment modes

    VisionX supports WildFly 9, IoT applications and latest Tomcat versions.

    Deployment modes

    Deployment modes

  • Edit panel (aka Morph panel)

    The Edit panel is a brand new component. It's also called Morph panel because it changes the style.

    Inline mode

    Inline mode

    Popup mode

    Popup mode

    Split mode

    Split mode

    Tabset mode

    Tabset mode

    You can use this panel to show e.g. a table of records and open detailed information as popup, as replacement of the table or show the details as split or tabset. Don't change the screen to show different modes.

  • More features

    Use custom css files for your web application,
    Use mobile preview applications available for Android and iOS,
    Spreadsheet reports will be created as XLSX instead of XLS,
    Full CORS support for your web application,
    Full CORS support for application logic called via REST, ...

Simply try out our new VisionX.

If you're already customer, please check your download area!

Have fun with our new VisionX release - it's really powerful.

EPlug 1.2.1 is out

A new version of EPlug is available. It's a smaller bugfix release.


  • Fixed that all dialogs (including trial) would not be displayed
  • Resource detection for Maven projects should now work correctly
  • Fixed NullPointerException, if "check databooks while typing" was active and a file was edited that was not a Java file
  • Fixed possible NullPointerException in the DataBooksView
  • "Auto Reload" and Auto Select" are now properly disabled if EPlug is not active on the project

Simply "Check for updates" in your Eclipse IDE.

JVx 2.3 is out

We're happy to announce that JVx 2.3 is available. The minor version update is more than a small update. It
comes with a bunch of new features. We think it's an update worth:

Here's the list of changes

  • Support linking with RoboVM

    It wasn't possible to create iOS applications with JVx because it had an internal problem. With 2.3 it will work.
    There's still a problem with RoboVM because JVx contains swing UI but if you remove the UI from the jar, everything
    will work!

  • Download via REST

    It's now possible to call actions which will return instances of IFileHandle, via generic REST services. The content
    will be sent back as binary stream (download).

  • CORS for REST

    Simply set the parameter: cors.origin to the allowed domain names (a comma separeted list).

  • Connection pooling

    It was possible to use connection pooling with JVx but with some limitations. The current support is an official solution without demand for additional source code. The only thing you should consider is that the initialization of the database should be moved to an event. The DBAccess class got new methods: eventConfigureConnection and eventUnconfigureConnection.
    Use configure to prepare the database session before you

  • Server-side hooks for event processing

    JVx 2.3 got invokeLater for server-side calls and we introduced the new interface ICallHandler.
    It has some very useful methods for better server control:

    public CallEventHandler<IBeforeFirstCallListener> eventBeforeFirstCall();
    public CallEventHandler<IAfterLastCallListener> eventAfterLastCall();
    public CallEventHandler<IBeforeCallListener> eventBeforeCall();
    public CallEventHandler<IAfterCallListener> eventAfterCall();

    public void invokeAfterCall(Runnable pRunnable);
    public void invokeAfterLastCall(Runnable pRunnable);
    public void invokeFinally(Runnable pRunnable);

  • Better Deployment support for VFS

    We had some crazy tweaks especially for some application servers with virtual file systems like JBoss. We removed the dirty code and replaced it with a more generic approach and now we have nice support for VFS and no more problems with WildFly.

  • Filter/Sort events added to IDataBook
    public DataBookHandler eventBeforeFilterChanged();
    public DataBookHandler eventAfterFilterChanged();

    public DataBookHandler eventBeforeSortChanged();
    public DataBookHandler eventAfterSortChanged();

  • Integration of external property files

    It's possible to include external property files into your application' config.xml:

          <accesscontroller>dummy value</accesscontroller>
       <property name="property.value" value="${value}"/>

    The property file (

    securitymanager.class = com.sibvisions.SecurityManager
    securitymanager.accesscontroller = com.sibvisions.AccessController
    value = value1

    The virtual result for reading values:

      <property name="property.value" value="value1"/>
  • Autodetection of tnsnames.ora

    It was possible to set the system property for an oracle JDBC driver. New JVx tries to find the location automatically and sets the property if path was found.

  • API changes

    We did two smaller API changes. The first one:

    LoggerFactory.destroy is now public

    The class AbstractSessionContext was removed without replacement. The only method, getMasterSession, was moved to ISessionContext. It's now easier to access the current master session in life-cycle object. It shouldn't be a problem for you because AbstractSessionContext was meant as internal class and not for public use. If you had a cast to AbstractSessionContext, simply remove the cast and everything will be fine.

We also have some smaller changes and bugfixes for you, but above list only contains the most important changes. For a full list of changes, please read the Changelog

EPlug 1.2.0

Great news for everyone who uses, or plans to use our Eclipse plugin called EPlug, a new version  is available! Version 1.2.0 brings a whole truckload of new features and bug fixes.

Changes (Pro and VisionX)

  • Completion for resources is now more reliable
  • Sped up the time it takes for VisionX to reload a file if a change was made in Eclipse
  • MetaData changes are now properly handled
  • When selecting from VisionX to Eclipse it will be made sure that the server and client class both show up
  • Added the "Checkl File (EPlug)" command, which allows to easily re-run all checks on the current file
  • The hyperlinks for server calls/actions are now "fuzzy", which means that if there is no function with that signature, the next best function will be the target
  • Improved the error messages if there was a problem when checking databooks
  • Added completion for generic resources, which means you now can get completion for any resource in your project
  • The call to UIImage.getImage(String) is now checked at compile time if the resource exists
  • By default, databooks are now checked while you're typing for instant feedback. This can be disabled in the project properties
  • Added a view that displays all databooks in the current file, including column name and type
  • Added support for the constructor of UIEditor
  • Dramatically increased the speed of compile time checks

Eclipse Mars

Also we have tested and developed EPlug with Eclipse Mars, which means that you can use it in the latest and greatest Eclipse release version. Of course we haven't dropped support for older versions, EPlug should continue to work even on Eclipse Juno.


You can install EPlug directly from the Eclipse Marketplace.