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Our brand NEW Demo application is online

Our good old showcase application was the first JVx application, developed in 2008. It showed some features of JVx but wasn't a real-world application. And of course, it was a small application :)

Some month ago, we decided to create a new real-world application. And what's better for JVx as an ERP system?
So we developed an ERP application :) It's not too feature-rich but demonstrates the full power of JVx.

It's the first application that contains all projects around JVx. The application runs as Java Applet, Webstart (applet or application mode), HTML5 (based on vaadin 7.1), mobile REST server for mobile clients (native iOS and Android) and our rewritten Online Help. Oh, and the built-in JVx REST interface. The application is a multi-user application with a user/role management.

The ERP system demonstrates a real-world Single Sourcing approach. A fat backend with a smart frontend and it supports mobility strategies.

If you want more information about JVx and UI independent application development, visit our talk at W-JAX (Tuesday, 10:15 to 11:30, room Lillehammer)

Thanks Stefan for your great work!

Try out our new application: (Applet) (vaadin based) (vaadin based)

Use following credentials (Username = Password):

Manager: manager
Sales person: sales

The whole source code of the application is online and available on SourceForge.

Feel free to send us your feedback!

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