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Docking Framework with JVx application (Swing)

In last weeks, we got some inguiries about Docking support in JVx. Our answer was always the same:

JVx itself doesn't offer a Docking API because there are many docking frameworks available and it's super easy to integrate one of them.

But this wasn't the expected answer (for most people) because it wasn't clear enough or it wasn't believed. We said that the integration of any existing library or framework is super easy and super fast because it's usually not more effort than the integration in any other source code. But still....

Let's add some numbers

Integration in our existing JVx application
10 minutes (only one screen) and 30 minutes (the whole desktop)

Docking Framework Evaluation
3 hours (Test code, examples, ...)

Implementing Docking Features
6 hours (because of missing documentation and/or incomplete examples)

So, the integration took not more than 10 minutes, but the missing knowledge of Docking Frameworks was expensive. But this had nothing to do with JVx because getting know-how with frameworks or tools are always expensive.

We tried two different docking frameworks, but found much more: Stackoverflow question

We didn't consider commercial frameworks and inactive projects. Also GPL solutions weren't an option for us.

The first candidate was FlexDock because "the screenshot was impressive".
Our first demo was working but we didn't find any documentation (only one inofficial getting started). The demo application was complete enough but we had some problems because the framework uses a static context for component registration and this was a no-go. The API was simple but unclear/inconsistent in many situations.

We tried the next framework and this was Docking Frames. The last update of this framework was Feb 2017 and documentation is available. The tutorials are good and more than enough. The framework itself is super powerful but the API.... (oh my good). There is a core API and a common API. You shouldn't use the core API and work with common API instead. After some hours we had all our features working, but the documentation is soo complex and all examples are really complex. Long story, short: Very powerful but not easy to understand.

We took a simple demo application and tried to replace a Split Panel, in one of our screens, with dockable panels. After this was done, we replaced the whole MDI desktop (internal fames) with a dockable desktop (dockable panels).

The result is shown in different videos:

Docking Framework integration (simple Screen)

Docking Framework integration (frame and tab mode)

And the whole use-case, with replaced MDI desktop:

Docking Framework integration (desktop mode)

And, finally I want to show you the source code of our changes:

/** the data table. */
private NavigationTable tableElegantdock = new NavigationTable();
/** the details group. */
private UIGroupPanel groupPanelElegantdock = new UIGroupPanel();
/** the docking control. */
private CControl ccontrol;

private void initializeUI() throws Throwable

    ccontrol = new CControl();
    ccontrol.putProperty(StackDockStation.TAB_PLACEMENT, TabPlacement.TOP_OF_DOCKABLE);
    DefaultSingleCDockable dock1 = new DefaultSingleCDockable("data");

    DefaultSingleCDockable dock2 = new DefaultSingleCDockable("detail");

    CGrid cgrid = new CGrid(ccontrol);
    cgrid.add(0,  0,  1,  1, dock1);
    cgrid.add(1,  0,  1,  1, dock2);

    add(new UICustomContainer(ccontrol.getContentArea()), UIBorderLayout.CENTER);

The relevant code for JVx integration (will only work for JVx' swing UI):


Use the JVx resource (JPanel) and add it as component.


Use the JVx resource (JPanel with a TitledBorder) and add it as component.

add(new UICustomContainer(ccontrol.getContentArea()), UIBorderLayout.CENTER)

Adds the dock control to the screen as custom container. This class connects a standard Container with JVx UI.

I won't publish the code for the desktop replacement because it's the same again with different variable names.

Map component for JVx applications

We played around with some interesting stuff in the last weeks. Some customers and users asked us if we have a Map component.

We don't have a ready-to-use component but there are many free and commercial solutions available. The integration in a JVx application with custom components is not a problem and doesn't need much effort. But sure, an out-of-the-box solution would be useful.

Our Research team did create a PoC for a Map. The results is very nice and we want to show you some screenshots from our tests.

Swing integration (Tab mode)

Swing integration (Tab mode)

Swing integration (frame mode)

Swing integration (frame mode)

Vaadin integration

Vaadin integration

Vaadin integratin (corporation mode)

Vaadin integratin (corporation mode)

We didn't add the component to JVx because it's just a PoC and not ready-to-use.
But the Map integration looks great :)

Smooth Forms 10g, 11i, 12c to Java Migration

This is a follow up for Smooth Forms 6i to Java Migration.

The following video demonstrates the integration of a Java screen into a Forms application. Since WebForms, it's possible to embedd Java swing components directly. We did create a compatibility layer to support special mouse features and to fix repaint problems. Our integration layer allows you to integrate a complete Java application, based on JVx.

Smooth Forms 10g, 11i, 12c Java Migration

The application is the standard Summit demo application for Forms. The Java application is very similar to the original application because we want to show how easy a 1:1 migration could be. The application was created with our low code platform VisionX. It offers a modern UI and is based on JVx, the OpenSource Java application framework. The final scene shows the embedded Java screen in Forms. It's super easy and doesn't need additional code. It just works with our compatibility layer.

Smooth Forms 6i to Java Migration

Following video demonstrates our Java integration for Forms 6i. In Forms 6i you can't embedd a Java application without complex ActiveX controls. So we chose an alternative for a smooth integration. It's more like an IPC between Forms and Java but with some additional features like automatic window switching.

Our solution is super flexible and it's possible to send custom events from Forms to Java and from Java to Forms. Here's an impression:

Smooth Forms6i Java Migration

Both applications use the same database. The Forms application is like any other Forms application and the Java Application was created with VisionX based on the Open Source Java Application Framework JVx.

toPDF 1.2 is available

Our Open Source PDF converter (toPDF) server is available in version 1.3

It contains some smaller bugfixes and very useful new features.

What's new?

  • BCL easyPDF SDK 8.0 support

    Convert via native Java API or COM interface. We've introduced EasyPdfNativeOperator which is now the default operator for PDF conversion.

  • Bookmark option

    This option creates bookmarks in your PDF document for headlines/sections in Word. Simply set the X-BOOKMARKS header parameter or use the REST API.

  • Additional attributes

    Set additional attributes for the conversion to PDF via Request parameters or REST API.

Get the current version from the project site ;-)

JVx Oracle Forms integration got better

We have a solution for Oracle Forms developers which allows integration of JVx applications and screens directly in your Oracle Forms screen/window. It's an awesome feature and works like a charm but had some limitations with repaints.

Let's have a look

Redraw problem (menu)

Redraw problem (menu)

Redraw problem (window)

Redraw problem (window)

We fixed the problem with our current version

No redraw issues (menu)

No redraw issues (menu)

No redraw issues (window)

No redraw issues (window)

It's was very tricky to solve the problem and it's well known. Our solution will work with other Swing based components as well.

JVx Reference, Custom Components

Let's talk about custom components, and how to create them.

The GUI of JVx

We've previously covered how the GUI of JVx works, and now we will have a look on how we can add custom components to the GUI.

In the terminology of JVx there are two different kinds of custom components:

  1. UI based
  2. Technology based

We will look at both, of course.

Custom components at the UI layer

The simplest way to create custom components is to extend and use already existing UI classes, like UIPanel or UIComponent. These custom components will be Technology independent because they use Technology independent components, there is no need to know about the underlying Technology. You can think of those as a "remix" of already existing components.

The upside is that you never have to deal with the underlying Technology, the downside is that you can only use already existing components (custom drawing is not possible, for example).

Let's look at a very simple example, we will extend the UILabel to always display a certain postfix along with the set text:

public class PostfixedLabel extends UILabel
    private String postfix = null;

    // We must store the original text so that we can return
    // it if requested. Otherwise we could only return the text
    // with the appended postfix, which works unless the postfix
    // changes.
    private String text = null;

    public PostfixedLabel()

    public PostfixedLabel(String pText)

    public PostfixedLabel(String pText, String pPostfix)


    public String getText()
        return text;

    public void setText(String pText)
        text = pText;

        if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(postfix) && !StringUtil.isEmpty(pText))
            // We translate the text and the postfix now separately,
            // the underlying label will obviously try to translate
            // the concatenated version.
            super.setText(translate(pText) + translate(postfix));

    public String getPostfix()
        return postfix;

    public void setPostfix(String pPostfix)
        postfix = pPostfix;

        // If the postfix changed, we must update the text.

It will be treated just like another label, but every time a text is set, the postfix is appended to it.

Another example, we want a special type of component, one that always does the same but will be used in many different areas of the application, it should contain a label and two buttons. The best approach for a custom component which should not inherit any specific behavior is to extend UIComponent:

public class BeepComponent extends UIComponent
   public BeepComponent()
       super(new UIPanel());
       UIButton highBeepButton = new UIButton("High Beep");
       UIButton lowBeepButton = new UIButton("Low Beep");
       UIFormLayout layout = new UIFormLayout();        

       uiResource.add(new UILabel("Press for beeping..."), layout.getConstraints(0, 0, -1, 0));
       uiResource.add(highBeepButton, layout.getConstraints(0, 1));
       uiResource.add(lowBeepButton, layout.getConstraints(1, 1));

So we extend UIComponent and set a new UIPanel as UIResource on it, which we can use later and which is the base for our new component. After that we added a label and two buttons which will play beep sounds if pressed. This component does not expose any specific behavior as it extends UIComponent, it only inherits the most basic properties, like background color and font settings, yet it can easily be placed anywhere in the application and will perform its duty.

Custom controls at the Technology layer

The more complex option is to create a custom component at the Technology layer. That means that we have to go through a multiple steps process to create and use the component:

  1. Create an interface for the functionality you'd like to expose
  2. Extend the Technology component (if needed)
  3. Implement the necessary interfaces for JVx
  4. Extend the factory to return the new component
  5. Create a UIComponent for the new component
  6. Use the new factory

I will walk you through this process, step by step.

The upside is that we can use any component which is available to us in the Technology, the downside is that it is quite some work to build the correct chain, ideally for every technology.

Creating an interface

The first step is to think about what functionality the component should expose, we will use a progress bar as example. We don't want anything fancy for now, a simple progress bar on which we set a percent value should be more than enough:

 * The platform and technology independent definition for a progress bar.

public interface IProgressBar extends IComponent
     * Gets the current value, in percent.
     * @return the current value. Should be between {@code 0} and {@code 100}.

    public int getValue();
     * Sets the current value, in percent.
     * @param pValue the value. Should be between {@code 0} and {@code 100}.

    public void setValue(int pValue);

Might not be the most sophisticated example (especially in regards to documentation) but it will do for now. This interface will be the foundation for our custom component.

Extending the component, if needed

We will be using Swing and the JProgressBar for this example, so the next step is to check if we must add additional functionality to the Technology component. In our case we don't, as we do not demand any behavior that is not provided by JProgressBar, but for the sake of the tutorial we will still create an extension on top of JProgressBar anyway.

public class ExtendedProgressBar extends JProgressBar
    public ExtendedProgressBar(int pMin, int pMax)
        super(pMin, pMax);

Within this class we could now implement additional behavior independent of JVx. For example, we provide many extended components for Swing, JavaFX and Vaadin with additional features but without depending on JVx. The extension layer is the perfect place to extend already existing components with functionality which will be used by, but is not depending on, JVx.

Creating the Implementation

The next step is to create an Implementation class which allows us to bind our newly extended JProgressBar to the JVx interfaces. Luckily there is the complete Swing Implementation infrastructure which we can use:

public class SwingProgressBar<ExtendedProgressBar> extends SwingComponent
                              implements IProgressBar
    public SwingProgressBar()
        // We can hardcode the min and max values here, because
        // we do not support anything else.
        super(new ExtendedProgressBar(0, 100));
    public int getValue()
        return resource.getValue();
    public void setValue(int pValue)

That's it already. Again, in this case it is quite simple because we do not expect a lot of behavior. The implementation layer is the place to "glue" the component to the JVx interface, implementing missing functionality which is depending on JVx and "translating" and forwarding values and properties.

Extending the factory

Now we must extend the Factory to be aware of our new custom component, that is equally simple as our previous steps. First we extend the interface:

public interface IProgressBarFactory extends IFactory
    public IProgressBar createProgressBar();

And afterwards we extend the SwingFactory:

public class ProgressBarSwingFactory extends SwingFactory
                                     implements IProgressBarFactory
    public IProgressBar createProgressBar()
        SwingProgressBar progressBar = new SwingProgressBar();
        return progressBar;

Again, it is that easy.

Creating the UIComponent

So that we can use our new and shiny progress bar easily, and without having to call the factory directly, we wrap it one last time in a new UIComponent:

public class UIProgressBar<IProgressBar> extends UIComponent
                           implements IProgressBar
    public UIProgressBar()
        // We'll assume that, whoever uses this component,
        // is also using the correct factory.
    public int getValue()
        return uiResource.getValue();
    public void setValue(int pValue)

Nearly done, we can nearly use our new and shiny component in our project.

Using thecustom factory

Of course we have to tell JVx that we want to use our factory, and not the default one. Depending on the technology which is used, this has to be done at different places:

Swing and JavaFX

Add the factory setting to the application.xml of the application:


Add the following setting to the web.xml under the WebUI Servlet configuration:


Using our new component

And now we are done, from here we can use our custom component like any other.

UIProgressBar progressBar = new UIProgressBar();

// Skip

add(progressBar, constraints);

Wrapping custom components with UICustomComponent

There is a third way to have Technology dependent custom components in JVx, you can wrap them within a UICustomComponent:

JProgressBar progressBar = new JProgressBar(0, 100);

UICustomComponent customProgressBar = new UICustomComponent(progressBar);

// Skip

add(customProgressBar, constraints);

This has the upside of being fast and easy, but the downside is that your code has to know about the currently used Technology and is not easily portable anymore.


As you can see, there are multiple ways of extending the default set of components which are provided by JVx, depending on the use case and what custom components are required. It is very easy to extend JVx with all the components one does require.

EPlug 1.2.6

We're happy to announce the release of EPlug 1.2.6. Again this small version bump does not only yield important bug fixes, but also new features which will make your life a lot easier.


This release includes bug fixes along with new features. One of the most notable problems fixed was that compile time checks might not be run if the communication with VisionX was active.

Cleaner context menu with more actions

We have restructured our approach to the context menu entries and introduced a new menu item which holds all EPlug related actions:

New context menu

As you can see we've also added new actions to jump to the configuration files.

Resources outside of source folders

We do support autocompletion and compile time checks for resources, like images. But we only supported resources inside of source folders, with this version we do now also support resources anywhere in the project.


Improved DataBook handling

DataBook handling has been improved once more. There are now additional checks which make sure that a RemoteDataBook receives the correct DataSource and there for if the MetaData can reliably be determined.

Additionally, the type of flag issued if no MetaData could be determined is now a configurable build option on the project.

New context menu

An example:

private void changeSomeValues(RemoteDataBook pDataBook)
    pDataBook.setValue("COLUMN_A", "A");
    pDataBook.setValue("COLUMN_B", "B");
    pDataBook.setValue("COLUMN_C", "C");

This would have been flagged as warning, because no MetaData could be determined for pDataBook. Now the check determines that determining MetaData for this DataBook is impossible and flags it accordingly. You can configure whether you want to see this flag or not in the project settings.

EPlug does also recognize if a "foreign" datasource has been set:

RemoteDataBook dataBookA = new RemoteDataBook();

RemoteDataBook dataBookB = new RemoteDataBook();

// This will be flagged as error.
dataBookA.setValue("NON_EXISTING", BigDecimal.ZERO);

// This will be flagged according to the settings.
dataBookB.setValue("NON_EXISTING", BigDecimal.ZERO);

Usernames for sessions

Last but not least, there is now a project setting which allows to set the username which is used by EPlug for the session it creates.

A little background, to acquire the MetaData (and some other information about the application) EPlug creates a session of the application and executes the server side code. It could be that projects do have checks and manipulations on the username somewhere in their code on the server. Previously EPlug would set null as username, but now it does either use the configured autologin username or the username configured in the project settings. That allows server side code which does operate on the username of the session to run without a problem, which means that there are no checks necessary if the session was initialized by EPlug or not.

How to get it?

Simply update EPlug via Eclipse!

Jasperreports integration

Jasperreports is a wonderful Reporting library/product. It's OpenSource and great for commercial products. There are several products like JasperReports Server and Jaspersoft Studio. Especially the Jaspersoft Studio is very useful for creating reports with a WYSIWYG editor. Simply use the tool and create your reports.

The most insteresting part is the integration of Jasperreports in a JVx application. It's super easy to start Jasperreports programmatically:

//database connection
DBAccess dba = DBAccess.getDBAccess("jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/personsdb", "sa", "");;

HashMap<String, Object> hmpParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
hmpParams.put("ID" , Integer.valueOf(1));
//external connection as parameter
hmpParams.put("REPORT_CONNECTION", dba.getConnection()); // String

// compile report
JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(ResourceUtil.getResourceAsStream("Leaf_Grey.jrxml"));
// fill report (connection as parameter)
JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, hmpParams);
// fill report (hardcoded connection)
//JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, hmpParams, dba.getConnection());
File fiPdf = File.createTempFile("report", ".pdf");

// export report to PDF
JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, fiPdf.getAbsolutePath());

// JVx usage
RemoteFileHandle rfh = new RemoteFileHandle(fiPdf);

// open with PDF viewer

Our example was created with Jasperreports 6.3.1. The library has some dependencies:

  • Apache Commons Logging
  • Apache Commons Digester 2
  • Apache Commons Collections
  • Apache Commons BeanUtils
  • iText 2.1.7 (unpatched) or iText 2.1.7.js5 (jaspersoft patched)

A complete Eclipse example project can be found here. It connects to a HSQLDB with following tables:







The final step for the integration into a JVx application is the integration in a life-cycle object, e.g.

public IFileHandle createReport() throws Exception
    JasperReport jasperReport = JasperCompileManager.compileReport(
    JasperPrint jasperPrint = JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport,
    File fiPdf = File.createTempFile("report", ".pdf");
    // export report to PDF
    JasperExportManager.exportReportToPdfFile(jasperPrint, fiPdf.getAbsolutePath());
    return new RemoteFileHandle(fiPdf);

JVx 2.6 is available

We're happy to announce that JVx 2.6 is available.

What's new?

  • Configuration via ServiceLoader

    It's now possible to use the ServiceLoader to configure an application (IApplicationSetup). It's enough to add a library to the classpath. It's not needed to extend anything.

  • Save bounds

    The Swing launcher now restores last frame bounds. The size and position of your application will be automatically saved and restored after an application restart. This feature takes care of multi monitor environments.

  • Better XmlNode API
    public XmlNode get(int pIndex)
    public XmlNode getFirstTextNode() // Getting the root node in xml file
    public void addAll(Collection<XmlNode> pNodes)
    public void insertAll(int pIndex, Collection<XmlNode> pNodes)
    public void setNodes(List<XmlNode> pNodes) // replaces setSubNodes
    public List<XmlNode> getNodes() // gets sub nodes never null and readonly
    public List<XmlNode> getNodes(short pType) // Gets sub nodes of given type
    public XmlNode remove(int pIndex)
  • Session states

    It's now possible to detect whether a session is initializing or destroying/expiring.

  • Message class improvements

    Simple support for Yes, No, Cancel messages.

  • preAuthentication support

    It's now possible to configure your sessions before authenticating without custom security managers.

  • BFILE and lazy loading

    New support for BFILE database columns and improved lazy loading mechanism.

  • Many Bugfixes

The full changelog is available here.